Vincent Price is Hilarious

The man should have made more comedies. He was laugh out loud funny in this. Ditto Boris Karloff. You could tell they all had a ball making this.


No you can't.


Yes you can.


Vincent Price has the same banter with his wife Annibelle in the movie House On Haunted Hill. The only differance is that Peter Lorre, responds with that deadpan wit he was so famous for.

My favorite line is Price looking at his wife and saying. "Your mouth Madame" to which she asks "what?" then he thunders, "shut it!"

By the way the cat in this movie is the same one we fall in love with in Breakfast at Tiffanys. Thank God it didn't have to do a scene in the rain. Loved that kitty!


To be fair, Price and Rathbone are usually quite camp anyway (both would freely admit this) and many of their famous horror movies are laced with black humour. Karloff and Lorre, on the other hand, are a million miles away from 'M' and 'Frankenstein' here (and not just in age), showing what brilliantly versatile actors they both are.


All 4 of them were brilliantly versatile and talented actors! ;)


Anyone who's into Price's lighter side should check out "The Saint", a radio series Price starred in back in the '50s. Funny/breezy radio mysteries, with Price playing the lead character Simon Templar. Way better than the TV series with Roger Moore for my money.




Price really shone here. His delivery was perfect.
