Escape Tunnel Exit Order

The escape tunnel exit order kind of doesn’t make sense to me.

I understand Hilts escaped, collected valuable information, was recaptured and had to spend a ton of time in the cooler, but damn.. why did he get to go out first? When they originally approached him with the request, Mac said “we’ll give you *a* front spot in the tunnel”, not *the* front spot.

Then it was supposed to be Danny and Willie, but obviously they ended up going later. This make sense, they built the tunnel. So originally they were suppose to go first. Yep, I’m with it.

Then Roger and Mac, again, this tracks - Big X and his right hand man, only natural they’d go after the tunnel kings.

But after them, why Ashley-Pitts? Dispersal was clearly very important, but compared to the other jobs, how did they determine he’d get the 5th spot?

It’s worth noting Hendley and Blythe originally had different places in line, and Roger had them rearranged once they decided to leave together - so maybe that’s a reason?

I’m so curious about other people’s opinions and would love to hear your thoughts.


You must be super bored
