Banjos and...?

I've really loved this movie since I stumbled upon it while channel surfing many years ago. Saw it on the Late Late movie on TV . I haven't seen it for a while, but I know there was a cute catch-phrase Steve McQueen used a couple of times in the movie. It was "...banjos and ..." Can anybody out there fill in the blanks for me?


"Banjos and Bells". Or "Bells and Banjos".


it's Banjos and Bells which Natalie Wood explains to Steve McQueen is what she was also told was the feeling one got from being in love or the act of making love. McQueen at the film's end waits for her outside of Macy's playing a banjo
and jingling bells; wearing a sign that reads BETTER WED THAN DEAD. it wins
him her heart

reply clarify...

When Angie & Rockie are hiding out in Rocky's dad's upholstery shop, Rocky turns on the radio, and Jack Jone's recording of the song plays as "source" music. Johnny Mercer's lines in the lyric - just before Angie turne off the radio - are

I could fall in love with the proper stranger - if I heard the bells and the banjos play...
When Angie turns off the radio - out of frustration with the sentiment, she says
"That's what love is...banjos and bells...
As she and Rocky talk she tells him she used to try to pick out the people who lived alone - like, on the subway, or wherever she was - and they always had glassy eyes
" they know...DEAD."

THAT'S what Rocky's sign at the end is alluding to - her remark about "living without a mate...being, you know,...DEAD" So...

This was the third film of the Pakula-Mulligan team that began with Fear Strikes Out in 1957, and continued with To Kill a Mockingbird in 1962, Love with the proper stranger in 1963, Baby, the Rain Must Fall and Inside Daisy Clover in 1965, Up the Down Staircase in 1967 and The Stalking Moon in 1969. It's an excellent and basically unknown film - which is a shame - and the fact that it isn't on DVD is a crime.

"Principles only mean something if you stick to them when they're INconvenient"


Actually, Jack Jones sings "if I heard bells and banjos ring."
Natalie Woods then says "...bells and banjos playing..."
