MovieChat Forums > Gilligan's Island (1964) Discussion > 8 aboard the Minnow when they leave harb...

8 aboard the Minnow when they leave harbour?

Just got the complete series on DVD and started binge watch with Season 2. To me it looks like there are 8 people aboard when they leave harbour: The Howells are forward, Professor, Mary Ann and Ginger are aft, Skipper and Gilligan in the loft and ? at the helm. I guess he didn't make it... Anyone else see this?


Maybe it is Randolf Blake.


Maybe Natalie Wood


It was Jacob, making sure his candidates from 1964 got to the Island.


Clearly it was skippers blow up doll


Maybe it was the 5th Beatle.

Jesus is the Son of God and my Lord and savior. Pretty cool.


Which Minnow are you talking about?
The 60 footer that leaves the harbor, the 30 footer that is rocking during the storm, or the 45 footer that is on the beach with the holes in it?

I'm a dirty old man and I'm going to be one until I'm a dead old man


The force is strong with this one...

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


So my eyes did NOT deceive me, when my brain was telling me, 'Hey, that's NOT the same boat they showed us in the harbor!'
