MovieChat Forums > Gilligan's Island (1964) Discussion > The 3 episodes with a castaway lookalike

The 3 episodes with a castaway lookalike

So all in all, there was 3 episodes in total where a castaway lookalike which includes a Gilligan, Mr Howell, and Ginger all appeared on the island. I found these plots ridiculously over the top. Especially the one with Mr Howell. The rest of the episodes were fine but these 3 really stood out as too far fetched


"Gilligan's Island" was what's known in theater as a farce. You shouldn't get hung up on logic or reality when watching a farce. It's intended to be ludicrous. They all wore the same clothes every day yet didn't smell. Lol.



a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.


How did you know the clothes didn't smell? Does your TV have some kind of smell sensor on it?


I guess it's possible they washed them once a day and ran around naked until they dried.


While this was a comedy, I thought for the most part, the plots were very logical, except for a couple of episodes


Well as for clothes they were very nifty at making all sorts of other items from scratch for everyday use. Surely they could have devised grass skirts at least.
