did the flying sub have a name???

just talking at work, everybody could remember Seaview, but no name for the flying sub. Anybody know it???



There was several of them Nelson and Crane kept losing a few. Nelson might of had a factory somewhere??


Now if they realease that movie on DVD. I'll be happy, Havent seen in years.

The flying sub landing depends if the windshield dont break on impact.
The navy tried making one but jets make poor subs.


The original movie has been on DVD for years...as a couble pack with "Fantastic Voyage".

The series has also now been released on DVD...ya got your wish...


I remember reading in the Los Angeles Times Fall TV preview guide that it was simply called the "Flying Fish"


That is exactly what it's name was, "Flying Fish" its call sign was FS-1


Is my memory faulty, or did they actually acknowledge that at least one Flying Sub had been destroyed by calling her "FS-2"?

Many UFO/ghost skeptics are actually afraid it's all true and don't want it to be.


As a footnote, the Flying Sub also had a "guest appearance" in an Irwin Allen movie called "City Beneath the Sea". In that movie, the flying sub was called an "aquafoil". It was pretty cool to see it again. By the way, can you imagine what crashing into the sea at a few hundred miles per hour would do to the human body? Cool concept though.


I remember that movie. Veery similar to Space 1999 and Voyage combined underwater...


It might have had a name in a script or a story board, but no name (other than FS-1) was ever used in an episode.


Id like somebody to invent a flying sub not using a current plane but
design it from ground up ? The FS-1 is shaped like a manta ray .
And the FS-1 is like a flying wing concept.


I read an article where the US Navy studied the design,ironic as they originally didn't help when asked by the show's designers.(they did get a positive response from the British Navy)They have run an in depth study,but i gather they could not overcome certain problems.

I think the problem of creating a real life Flying Sub is the weight.Another TV series,'UFO' had,amongst it's array of vehicles,a hybrid sub called Skydiver.The front part could detach and break the surface as a conventional fighter.The sub's depth was limited to around 800 feet because Sky 1 needed to be light enough to fly,so couldn't have the structures required to stop it from collapsing at depth.In one episode,they did push the depth trying to find UFO wreckage on the sea floor,but it was too deep and was aborted after the plates started buckling.
Incidentaly,this strength/weight issue is why we don't have flying cars...they need the lightweight to fly,but fail on the crash tests that standard autos have to pass.

Steve J

"Flank Speed!"



Me too , those chairs didnt look like they were bolted down .


Ever heard of "fly-by-wire"?

Now if that bastard so much as twitches, I'm going to blow him right to Mars.


Richard Branson of Virgin airline just made one only $300.000
clams Yahoo news.


In "Eleven Days to Zero" the Sea View is dept charged by a blended wing adversary bomber. At the start of "The Human Computer" a US Navy version of the same manta ray like aircraft 'sinks" the Sea View during a military exercise. As often was the case on the series they used they same special effects footage in both episodes.

the Flying Sub was apparently based on the same futuristic design, with a shorter wingspan and modification for underwater use and was a production aircraft given the fact so many of them were lost during the series. Apparently only the front, interior and rear hatch area was built as a full size set since there were no scenes where anyone walked around the aircraft on dry land.

It wasn't clear if it had landing gear or even landing gear doors. In a few episodes the characters landed on dry land or even on an aircraft carrier off camera of course. Usually it landed on the water. Their is computer animation on U-tube of the Flying Sub landing and taking off from a runaway and Moebius Models sells a landing gear set for their 1/32 scale version.

There were other question like how the thing powered? Jet engines would be useless under water so they should have had propellers or aqua jets.

Wouldn't the desk chair like seats fold up under the the G-forces caused by slamming into the water?.

Of course this is only a TV series from the mid sixties so I guess technical accuracy wasn't that important.

TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.




As I recall, the flying sub was nuclear powered. In real life, Convair was experimenting with a nuclear reactor on a B-36 bomber, and Admiral Rickover was banging out new and improved nuclear submarine designs every week, so a sci-fi series filmed in the early 60s could very easily have blended the 2 programs into one 'plausible' device, the flying sub.

One little point, however, despite his brillance, why oh why did Admiral Nelson not put the hatch for the flying sub ON TOP of the Seaview instead of the bottom? The Seaview sank about every 3rd episode or so, having the flying sub pop out the top would have been a pretty handy feature!


A hatch on top means the flying sub would have to launch straight into the air if the Seaview was surfaced, and I don't believe it had the capability to do so. It was a sub first, and a flying wing second. Hence, it has to sink down into the water first, and a bottom hatch was mandatory.

The best solution would be a side or rear/top hatch so the flying sub could slide out no matter the position of the seaview.


>Another TV series,'UFO' had,amongst it's array of vehicles,a hybrid sub called Skydiver.The front part could detach and break the surface as a conventional fighter.

One nice touch they did for SkyDiver was the name and its placement on the vehicle, at least on the port side.

It printed was right at the "seam", so when "Sky" would take off, "Diver" would be left behind.

Of course, on the starboard side, it'd have to be named DiverSky for that to work.


Yep, Flying Fish


It has a top hatch but no airlock thats how they get into it from
the Seaview deck. It also has a back hatch when it gets beached or for hauling in large items.

Fix the error reports on this site


I believe he was referring to the hatch FOR the flying sub (the one under the front of the Seaview) not the hatch ON the flying sub itself. :)

I didn't know about the back hatch though. Thanks for pointing that out.

And now, my beloved disciples. The moment of truth... the needle of love


I would have called it "STINGRAY", because it looked like one. I would also have given it a technological version of the living Stingray's camouflage process.

It would be right up the Nelson's alley, because he was a Marine Biologist, and I can certainly see the dastardly Theo Marcuse trying to steal the process for
"Political" reasons.

I do hope he won't upset Henry...


Naming the sub 'Stingray' was not feasible, as The Andersons had already used that name for their SuperMarionation series/sub (that sub is quite nice too)

And a similar real-word sub existed - Jacques Cousteau's 'Flying Saucer' disc-shaped exploration sub. It didn't fly, but travelled rather well in the water.

As for its take-offs/landings: The exit is much like the way a Polaris missile exits the water after launch from a sub. But I agree with the flaws in the landing - the water would be too dense, and the chairs would probably be ripped from their mounts. Even if they had good combat-type couches, the restraint straps would severely bruise the passengers. Now why didn't they have it land like a seaplane, and then dive like a sub? MUCH more logical! Ah well, it ~is~ Science Fiction, after all.


Very interesting, but at the time, I was barely 11 years old. I didn't know anything about any "Andersons" or "SuperMarionation". I just knew pictures of Rays that showed up in magazines. Still,even in an alternate universe, The name SEAVIEW is perfect: I'd have hated to see Nelson's magnificent Submarine named after a Seahorse or a Squid... (VBG)

I do hope he won't upset Henry...
