The Deadly Dolls

There is something loveable about the Admiral Nelson doll.


I don't know about love able, but definitely entertaining. The episode is a stinker, but the Nelson doll should have gotten his own show!


I don't think it is a "stinker" per ce, but it is definitely a TV classic like Star Treks's "The Trouble With Tribbles".

That which originates from a black deed will blossom in a foul manner.


'Too bad....too bad.....really, too bad'


Which episode is this? I can't find any episode with this name.

He carries illegal weapons, drives fast cars, and wears clothes obviously designed by a homosexual.


By this point, Richard Basehart's sense of loathing for the show is all too clear. His final line in the episode "burn them" as he mutters his annoyance, throws up a hand and walks away is enough proof that the actor was fed up with the show and wanted to get the hell off the series.

Lord only knows what he must have thought after reading one absurd script after another realizing that he was on a show where any sense of proper storytelling or character development had well and truly vanished.....


Along with that is a story I was told about a Japanese tour group visiting the set in the 1966-67 season. Apparently, Basehart was giving the guests a tour of the set, describing various sets and props to the interpreter for the Japanese. At some point during the tour Basehart passed the dressing room area. When he got near the men's room Basheart blurts out to the crowd, 'and this is where the scripts come from'. At this point the interpreter is taken for a loop and doesn't know what to say. His group stands around dumbfounded as they don't understand what Basehart had just said.

I suspect to this day there is an old Japanese guy who is still unsure of what Basehart said to his group that day. LOL
