I'm usually not a troll BUT....

I came here to check an actor and can't leave without saying my say. The FUNNIEST show on network tv. Typical episode: The Seaview is on an important mission. (ALWAYS) Some outside person or force controls the minds of Chief Sharkey and ESPECIALLY Kowalski. Kowalski under the control of the alien force whomps Capt. Crane over the head with the biggest wrench on the ship. Then a struggle breaks out somehow, somewhere on the ship. All the electrical circuits blow causing every electronic device on the Seaview to short out sending sparks and roman candles flying everywhere. The Navy you see, couldn't afford fuses. The sub rocks from side to side causing the actors to fling themselves this way and then that as the camera swings back and forth. The Seaview makes a nose dive for the bottom, breaking off a stalagmite of rock that points up from the seabed. EVERY TIME! EVERY WEEK. Then the Chief and Kowalski "Snap out of it." and they run and tell Admiral Nelson what they've done and he wakes up the Capt. "Lee, Lee, I have a plan." Then they defeat the Pirate/Alien/Leprechuan by inventing the "Chronosynclastic Infundibulum" which causes the villian to develop Pharfelonus of the blowhole and everything is just "swell" again as the the theme music plays and the end credits roll. All this talk of the "worst" episode. Was there MORE than one episode? Bwahhaha!


...also they find a scientist who tries to grow atomic vegetables to feed humanity but the well-meaning geek is 'tampering with the unknown' and the radioactive sea cabbages try to beat him to the floor (they're meant to be eating him'), and then turn on his perky research assistant with the tight sweater who screams as they start copping a feel (it was in the men-in-the-suits' contracts). Admiral Nelson has to stop a Nazi war-criminal from getting to the vegetables and using them for world conquest, during which time they irradiate a sprout in the seaview lab 'just to see if the good doctor was right' and it grows to the size of Hulk Hogan and starts beating really clumsy sailors to the floor, before muffling their screams with a large scrotum.

it all ends with a smug Nazi waving a gun at the crew before being tackled by 'The New Horror of the Atomic Age'(the sprout), and then Nelson floods half the ship with metrion gas to kill the creature. Yay!

I still loved it though!


And sending someone out in the "mini sub" was the equivelent of being a red shirt on Star Trek. THEY AIN'T A COMMIN' BACK!


I enjoyed the topic and your keen observations.


"Chronosynclastic Infundibulum"

