Who Remembers The Werewolf Episode?

Along with Batman, The Champions and Star Trek, this was one of my all time fave TV shows as a kid! And WHAT a catchy theme tune!

The most memorable episode was the werewolf one, in which, if my memory serves me correctly, Richard Basehart turned into a wolfman. Anybody else remember this episode?

The Webmaster


There were actually two werewolf episodes. First was "The Werewolf" where Charles Aidman played a man named Hollis who turned into a werewolf. He bit or scratched Admiral Nelson at one point and Nelson began to show signs of transforming into a werewolf, but was saved by a serum made from Hollis's blood. In a sequel, "The Brand of the Beast", Nelson has to expose his hand to radiation and it activates the werewolf's blood within him. That's the episode where Basehart transforms into a werewolf.


I am not putting down season three, I loved that season, but I was not so big on that season's Werewolf episodes.

As for Adam West Batman, I am a huge fan of that series also.


hello..............where could i watch these 2 episodes on line?


It was a terrible episode if I was honest.


It was on MeTV last night and I did watch the entire episode. I'd forgotten Mr. Oleson from Little House" was in this. Actually, my favorite part were all the bubbles floating up in the big windows of the Seaview.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?
