Poor Kowalski

I really liked Del Monroe’s character on Voyage. I had always hoped Del would go on to another series.

On IMDB it says that Kowalski was in 97 episodes. Does anyone know how many times he was beat up and the different ways? It must have happened in more than 80. The poor character was always getting shot at, possessed and zapped. In the 1st season I believe he was knocked off a moving motorcycle and nearly blinded by an exploding radar tube.

Del and Kowalski will be missed.

He who fights and runs away, lives to run away again!



Patterson was a distant second in the 'beatings' department, but Kowalski was really abused. As Admiral Nelson was an older character, I wonder if Kowalski was the alternative for the action scenes. Unfortunately, he usually got the worst of it.

He who fights and runs away, lives to run away again!
