Any news on Season 4 DVD?

Anyone have news on when Fox will release season four (Volumes 1 & 2)? It seems like they should have announced it by now.


I too would like to no this.


Agreed. I hope they haven't ditched this the way Sony seems to have ditched the final season of I Dream Of Jeannie.


These dvd half seasons were being released at the rate of one every four months. It is now five months since the last, and season 4 is not even listed as a future release on the Fox website. I think the fact they have now released a season 1 to 3 box set rather indicates season 4 has bitten the dust. It is really pathetic, they only have one more season to release, people in high places really have no time for ANYTHING other than money, if they haven't sold as well as they hoped, it's goodnight. Considering some of the drivel released on dvd, which probably gets close to zero rentals, you'd think they'd show a bit of decency to the loyal such luck here I think.


You're right, they should have announced it at least three or four months ago. The dvd volume sets were being released every four months. February '08 is when Season 4 vol. one should have came out. I don't know why they stopped, but I've been e-mailing 20th centery fox home entertainment at their info on new dvd releases, but they have not responded. Here's the their e-mail address Why not try e-mailing them yourself and pass the e-mail along to other Voyage fans that you know so that the studio sees that we are interested in the show. Maybe as a team of Voyage fans, we can succeed in getting through 20th Century fox to hurry and release Season four of Voyage.

Good luck


I better hang onto my Japanese laserdisc set of Season Four episodes.


Do you know where you can buy the season 4 laser disk?


Thank you for the E-Mail address. I just sent them a note. Will post an answer on the site if I get one.


I emailed Fox and requested status on the Season 4 release. Their reply:

There are no upcoming releases at this time.

Thank you

Fox Consumer

I guess we need to get a petition going...



let´s go for it! they need to know they are making a mistake if
they don´t put season 4 out.


Hello, would someone please send me the link for season 4 laser disc and I too think we should gwt a petition going.


Here's some good news. The fourth & final season of "Voyage" will be released sometime in 2009. I found this out through



I just bought the season 4 dvd and it is a hoot!!

"I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds it"
