Deck of Seaview when diving?

When the Seaview is diving and someone uses the periscope, I see something on the front deck. I think it's either intake or exhaust for diesel engine and the deck looks different. Did they use another submarine in the diving scenes?


I don't know for sure, but considering Irwin Allen's love of stock footage, I would bet any periscope footage used on the show was lifted from a movie.


The "goofs" section for the first episode of the season said:

Revealing mistakes: When Captain Crane is looking through the periscope during Seaview's first dive, the bow shown is of a old World War II vintage submarine.



..........Actually was a one to one scale mock up of the Jupiter Two. After the season three episode where the Robinson's landed on earth in 1947 they scraped it, for its plywood content no doubt, and used only interior sets and miniatures..........It seems to me Twentieth Century Fox did have a old non-operating of course, surplus sub that they used for some scenes in "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea", countless World War Two movies and the ultra campy 1966 "Batman" movie. Either that or a very large mock up.
TAG LINE: True genius is a beautiful thing, but ignorance is ugly to the bone.


That was most likely US Navy archival footage of a WWII era sub diving. Ditto for whenever an 'enemy sub' fired on the Seaview. We see stock shots of a torpedo exiting from an old WWII sub.


I found out that the Seaview submarine was a FAKE! Hint: The hallways made the sub look bigger that it really was. The winch for the diving bell should be above the missile/torpedo room which is at the rear of the sub. Torpedos are fired from this room even if the torpedos were fired from the front of the sub.


Its just like the Enerprise on Star Trek the halls are big
enough for the camera crew . Even the new subs are bigger the
hallways are a bit larger but still cramped .
