My question is where did the torpedos come out from when fired from the boat. I know the missiles were launched from the misssile tubes in the rear of the boat, it seems the torpedo tubes were behind the missile tubes. Did we ever see the engine room.And how many decks did the Seaview have?


Like most Irwin Allen productions, continuity from episode to episode on all manner of details is pretty sketchy. The layout of the Seaview in particular.

As I recall, the control room in the early episodes was not further back from the front windows, but 'upstairs, somewhere. Logically, it should have been below the conning tower (much further back) so the periscope would stick out in the right place.

The doors to the Flying Sub bay would have been a major weak point on a submarine, and why weren't they on TOP? If the Seaview is damaged and stuck on the bottom of the seafloor, you would not be able to dispatch the Flying Sub to go get help. Right? Think about it, and Admiral Nelson was supposed to be so smart.

Also, the corridors in the sub had right angles, how wide would the sub be? Also, there was at least one stairway as I recall in the back half of the sub, connecting 2 decks. I don't recall any kind of door that could be sealed, so another safety hazard.

I don't recall seeing the engine room. We saw one in the sub on Ice Station Zebra, but as far as I know, not the Seaview.

Anyone remember the Polydor ?


I remember the Polydor....that was the Seaview's 'sister' sub, destroyed in a year one episode. Seem to recall the interior was just a re-dressing of the Seaview control room with a couple of cross beams added to make it look like a different sub control room.

BTW, yes we did get to see the engine room of Seaview. Unfortunately, it was just a redressing of the reactor room, minus the reactor and including some electronic consoles a la "The Time Tunnel'. And of course the room included a tall electrical panel with some voltage-type meters on it. It was seen mostly in years three and four. NOt used often. But it was a cheaply devised set as mentioned above.


It's always been a source of fun discussion to point out that the Seaview's torpedoes were loaded pointing out the stern but always were shown coming out somewhere under the bow.

There was actually an episode that showed what appeared to be a Forward Torpedo Room, in "The Saboteur" in the first season Capt Crane is brainwashed by the voice of Werner Klemperer before the opening credits and wreaks all sorts of mayhem during a secret mission. Some of which takes place in a very strange torpedo room that was shown this one time and never again.

That still doesn't answer why the torpedoes were generally shown facing aft and firing forward, or for that matter why a bank of four torpedoes required a firing panel with six buttons.

And then there's the missiles. Just four? Where were the rest? If you were to exit the Missile Room (usually on the port side) and followed the corridor to one of the metal office doors that usually led to some mops and buckets, were we expected to believe that the other twelve missiles were in there too?

But like another poster here said, with Irwin Allen, anything was possible.

From the wire cage around the forward searchlight to the tips of her tailfins, Seaview was a very anomolous boat!

Lots of fun to discuss though
