
Although the first season of VTTBOTS dealt primarily with espionage storylines they did have an episode with a monster in their first year."The Price of Doom" 10/12/1964 involved a blob-like creature.Acclaimed writer Harlan Ellison scripted this episode but was so furious regarding the changes that the producers kept insisting upon to his story that he demanded his name be removed from the credits & replaced with Cord Wainer Bird.In the story there is an ice station called Tick-Tock.Project Tick-Tock is name for The Time Tunnel(1966-'67),Allen's later sf TV series."The Sky is Falling."10/19/1964 is the first episode to feature alien life.The Seaview has a crew of 125 men.The Nelson Institute of marine Research is set in Santa Barbara,California.The Seaview is not a Navy boat or under the command of the US government.
