MovieChat Forums > Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (1964) Discussion > help ID episode with Capt Crane as an 'a...

help ID episode with Capt Crane as an 'android'

My failing synapses recall an episode (2 parter?) in which Capt Crane gets captured by some bad guy and ends up with some crazy device with blinking lights installed on his back....this results in his being under the control of the bad guy, and once back on the Seaview causes all manner of damage etc. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks a lot!


I think it was an episode called "Mechanical Man", however he was never changed he managed to escape. If you go to the following website and then click on New episode guide with Mark Phillips, all the episode and short details are listed at that link I believe the episode was towards the end of season two.

Hope this helps


"The Mechanical Man" is the second last episode of season 2.James Darren plays a cyborg called Omir-the creation of scientist Arthur O'Connell.Omir,following his own agenda,captures Captain Crane and plans to turn him into a cyborg.Interestingly,earlier in the season a cyborg of Admiral Nelson,creation of evil scientist Victor Buono,replaces him on the "Seaview",and uses the sub's weapons to hold the world to ransom.The episode is"The Cyborg"!


YES! That must be the episode, perhaps my memory is a bit fuzzy as I thought it was Capt Crane that had that contraption on his back instead of James Darren...unless there's another episode that used a similar gizmo. Thanks alot!


Thanks, I missed that episode, do you know if there are any episodes out on VHS yet, I know they are not on DVD. The series ran on a Canadian TV station here in Montreal about 5 years ago and I was able to tape about 60 hours but I was unable to catch them all.


I don't think the series has ever had an official vhs or dvd release.There is someone advertizing the whole series of 110 episodes on dvd on ebay at the moment.I'm going to dig out the "Mechanical man" episode in the next day or 2,as I can't remember exactly what happens in it.Darren definitely is an android/cyborg(whatever!),with circuitry on his back.Easy after a time to get him mixed up with David Hedison,as they do look a bit similar!


Thanks for the info and yeah you're right they are similar but Crane is better looking. I will check out E-Bay.

thanks again.


I have watched "The Mechanical Man" again-Omir the android(James Darren),has Crane in his clutches-he thinks the Cap is just about bright enough to be his assistant in his bid for world domination,and intends androidizing(?)Crane with a circuitry implant.But Omir is beaten and destroyed before he can do anything.We never really find out properly who/what Omir is-he says he is half human,but we don't find out anything about his past,how he was created,whether he was an ordinary man before Paul,the scientist made him Omir the android etc.
Seymour Cassel appears as a disposable crewman in this one.
No Nelson or Sharkey in the episode,and at one point Crane only has minor lackey Stu Riley to exchange meaningful plot exposition with!


Hi again, I think that Omir was an experiment done by Paul and they Omir took over as "Boss". Also did you notice that there are 2 episodes when Nelson isn't there plus one when we rarely see his face, that one is Monster's Web, then the next 2 episodes Menfish and Mechnical Man he does not appear at all. Any idea why?


What you say about Omir "taking over" from Paul,is what has happened,but the detail is lacking about their relations-what has occurred to lead to the prevailing circumstances in the piece.It's typical of the lazy story development that was to increasingly spoil some episodes of the show as it went on-I can imagine Irwin Allen becoming happy to ignore plot cohesion,character development, logic,consistancy etc as long as the shows had lots of explosions,bigger than life villains,and plenty of running around.
As to Admiral Nelson's absence from those episodes,I suspect Richard Basehart was having a vacation-a well earned break from filming.


Yes I agree with you about that.


Also in this episode,Omir pays a visit to "Seaview",he walks out of the airlock in his clothes-totally dry as well.Kowalski is there,and in amazement asks Omir how he got there from his underwater lab without a wetsuit,with dry street clothes on.Omir dismisses the questions saying something like "that doesnt matter",or "it's not important"(well it certainly doesn't seem to be to the writers!).We have never been told that Omir can materialize/dematerialize himself about at will(if he can,why on earth use the airlock to materialize in?),and how he managed this remarkable piece of magic is left unanswered.
Time for me to give this episode a rest I think,though with all its faults it's not without redeeming qualities,and in no way reaches the depths of some later stinkers!!
I recently watched "Submarine sunk here" from Season 1-it's so good it's hard to credit that this is the same show which would later give us stuff like "Journey with fear" and "Attack"!


Excellent point re Omin, I am about ready to re-watch the tapes I made in 2000 which I had all the episodes but NBA playoffs spoilt that due to program changes without notice such is life with Canadian TV in Montreal. I just finished watching Man of Many Faces.
I agree with you the season 1 episodes were a lot better than later ones some of the later ones where just nuts.

Take Care



I am missing 6 episodes-5 from season 4,1 from season 3.One awaits a full box set,which may happen one day I suppose(certainly if a movie version comes along-catch David Hedison,Terry Becker,Bob Dowdell and Del Monroe,for commentaries while they're still around-too late for Basehart and Paul Trinka("Patterson")-who died very young as long ago as 1973).
I originally saw the series in the 1960's.I'm still a fan-even the bad episodes can be enjoyed,because of the cast,the hardware,the "look" of the show.It got increasingly childish-and as you say-"nuts" with many barmy,shoddily written and plain dopey episodes,especially in season 3 and 4.(I can just see Basehart talking to Hedison:-"Dave-they've gone too far this time!Got leprechauns in this one for cryin' out loud!-and not just one but two leprechauns!").It all could have been so much better,but then it might not have survived as long,and gone the way of say the "Outer limits" before it.
I enjoyed discussing "Voyage",and it prompted me to run some episodes again.Have fun re-viewing the show.



Hi again Mike,

Yep you're right, I also watched it in the 60's and was very pleased when it was re-run on late night t.v. in I think it was 98-2000 I am missing alot of episodes about 50 I think most of the later ones. I have most of the 1st season and a lot from season two, but three and four are very limited. I checked on ebay but there was'nt much on offer.

Have you visited the web sites that have stories based on the "Voyage" there are some pretty good ones I only found them by exploring if you are interested I can let you know which sites they are.

Have a good weekend



Thanks Kari-I think I have looked at the websites you refer to.I have browsed a number of Voyage sites recently.



Yeah-don't know how I mis-heard that "radiant heat" line from "The mechanical man"-must wash out my ears!
