Seaview hull

Just out of curiosity, does anybody know what the bulges on the side of the hull just aft of the window along the water line are? They were not there in the earlier seasons and to my recolection were never explained thru dialoge. I'm thinking they may be either navigational sonar for the Seaview or some type of homing devices for the flying sub.


I think they may have been the ballast tanks.


I'm not so sure. Ballast tanks are all along the length of the boat and I don't think she would have needed more tanks. They seemed to appear about the same time as the flying sub. But good guess. Thanks for the input. Glad there's another fan out there.


Hi, yes I think you are right and I'm glad there are more of us out there, I only found the websites on the weekend until then I had no clue there were more people out there who loved and still do Voyage.


Hi again, I just finished watching "Voyage", it was run on TV back in 1999 and I was able to tape about 60hours. I saw the bulges that you were asking about, I made a mistake I was looking at the wrong part of seaview. I agree with you it is possible that they are some kind of sensor.

Have a good day



they were sonar pods-which in the first season were located at the very top front of the deck-ahead of the sail;
The old Seaview had eight windows 4 top, 4 below-later changed to just 2

I prefer the original design

I think for bugetary reasons, they could only afford to make one model of the new sub, and it was a smaller one-and it looked like a toy sub in a swimming pool most of the tiime.


Thanks for letting me know I thought that was what they were.

Thanks again.
