MovieChat Forums > Father Goose (1964) Discussion > Do you recognize the accordion player?

Do you recognize the accordion player?

First let me say that I love this movie, and it's one of my husband's favorites! We've watched it many times over the years.

When they are going to get married ("Goody Two-Shoes and the Filthy Beast?!"), the chaplain arrives with an accordion player. A few years ago, we realized who that accordion player is---it's Robert De Niro!

I looked him up on IMDB, and it doesn't show Father Goose in his credits, but you can pause the DVD-----and it is definitely him! I think it's always neat to see stars who are famous nowadays in small roles in older movies. (Sort of like Robert Duvall in To Kill A Mockingbird--what a surprise the first time I saw it after seeing so many of his films).

Anyway, check it out!


y'know, the last time we watched it, i sez to my husband, i sez,

well, i'll be danged. doesn't that look like a really young marlon brando? no, not brando -- the guy who played him young in that movie... you know...

No, seriously -- I agree with you. Now I've gotta know *for sure* if it's he. Have you done any searching since? I don't want to waste time looking where you've already looked.

I saw this movie the summer I turned 8. At that time, I thought, "Hey, Daddy'd be a whole lot like that if he were about 20 years older. Gee. Cary Grant with a southern accent." And, d'you know, my dad *was* like a Tidewater Cary Grant. Still is, at 75.

Sorry. Just got to musing. I've got a request in for the DVD so I can check it out again.

Dontcha love that the internet lets us movie freaks find each other?



i would love to know that this is true. it would be so cool.

the movie is in my VHS. it is on 'pause' on the scene indicated. i'm studying the screen.

the eyes, the hair, the stance, the glare, says 'YES' to me.

but the nose and the chin sez, 'that ain't him'.

i hope that i am mistaken in this.



I just pulled out the DVD and took a close look and while I agree that the actor playing the accordion certainly favors Robert De Niro it’s not him. Take another look ... where is the mole that is so prominent on the right side of Robert De Niro’s face? If you look at any of De Niro's movies it's hard to miss, even his early films.


The accordion player is Frank Marocco.

(FYI, the question was already asked and answered right here in this board.)


That'll learn 'em.....


OMG!! I watched it on TV today for the thousandth time, and for the very first time I noticed the accordian player and I couldn't believe it. Believe it or not, I went on this post today just to see if anybody else noticed it was him!!!


Yeah, it's not De Niro....

"I had a farm in Africa..."


...that someone thinks they've spotted a star years before his/her official screen debut in a bit part:

The past is a series of presents. The present is living history we are privileged to witness
