MovieChat Forums > Mary Poppins (1965) Discussion > So much for Sister Suffragette!

So much for Sister Suffragette!

Poor Winifred is spinning in her grave. "Their daughters' daughters will abhore us, when we elect a dreadful boorish, abuser of the sister suffragette!"


They got Margaret Thatcher


It's not like hillary is any better.


The point was that in this time in American history, we needed to have a female president. Whether it were Jill Stein or Hillary Clinton is purely academic.


The sex of the President shouldn't make any difference to voters. electing someone just because they are a woman would be ridiculous.


Sadly that matters to way too many Americans.

YOUR VOTE MATTERS! Please vote in every election. Thank you.


To call hillary 'female' is a highly questionable claim. And hillary is just as evil if not moreso than Trump, who is also evil to the core.


OP is either deliberately trolling or a total idiot. No such lyrics exist in the song. The closest to OP's made up lines are actually "Our daughters' daughters will adore us/As they sing in grateful chorus/Well done, well done, sister suffragette.

And weeks later there are numerous inept replies from stupid people who don't realize OP's post was a lie.


OP's line was meant to be a parody, indicating disapproval of the recent US election results. It was not intended (nor taken) as a direct quote from the film.




Democrats should have ran an anti-establishment candidate. The DNC partook in unethical actions to have Hilary heavily favored to win the candidacy. It's obvious she would lose, without great anti-establishment canidate to stand to run against Trump. It has nothing to do with gender, but the inefficiency of the establishment to get as much of the population wanted done is what cost her the election.


I saw a sister suffergette today at the Women's March!


"Democrats should have ran an anti-establishment candidate".
They aready always HAVE!!


AH, but the REAL Winifred, Glynis Johns is still alive! :D (But, yes, I know and knew that you referred to the CHARACTER Winifred, Mr.Banks's wife)


you're forgetting that when this was made there were only two women in the Senate and eleven women in the U.S. House of Representatives period.

Yes the 'daughters daughters' ironically forgot about suffrage....why, because there were no women's studies sections in bookstores, programs. They had to be established for history to be uncovered/recovered.

Actually the song is tongue in cheek. Mrs Banks is concerned with everything else but her very own family. The working class women she wants to 'involve' are the ones who are looking after the kids. Mrs banks is not evil she is just sheltered and absent minded.
