Small girl?

What was up with that small girl ballerina girl? Was she suppose to be a dwarf or something? And it was funny cause wasnt she dubbed with an older womans voice! And those men where after her? That was just creepy!


Yes, I believe she was meant to be 'vertically challenged' - hey, it's all part of the entertainment - but was in fact played by a small girl. I find it surprising that they couldn't find a female dwarf to play the part, as that dubbing was badly done. It was so obviously not her real voice.



They found enough little adult females, but they didn't look like what Corman wanted. He probably wanted a pretty and innocent little female but couldn't find one and had to resort to a small girl.

You think it's creepy that those men were after her? Didn't it become obvious what kind of person Alfredo was? Yes, the part should portrait an adult small woman but the kind of person that wanted her (outside of Hop Toad) wouldn't have cared if she really was a child.
