I know nothing...



Funny that Schultz claimed to know nothing but really knew a lot
and that Col.Klink claimed to know a lot but really knew nothing...of importance.


Schulz was smart. When it comes to dealing with Nazis, being ignorant can often at times be a VERY life saving thing! 


Schultz's background is sketchy and a bit contradictory. Later in the series, Schultz revealed he owned a manufacturing plant (was it toys)? But earlier,he came across as a blue collar worker--his wife worked on an assembly line in a defense plant.


He mentions that he owns the Schatze Toy Company, which was supposedly the biggest toy company in Germany. But it's only mentioned in that one episode. The toy factory was ostensibly shut down and taken over by the government for war production. But then if he was a big shot for a major company, I would wonder why he's only a sergeant at a POW camp.

In another episode, he has an uncle who is a field marshal. (Or maybe not his real uncle, but someone he served with in WW1 with whom he formed a close bond.)

There were some episodes where he came off as smarter than usual, such as when he was training to be Kommandant. So, you're right, he was a rather contradictory character. Maybe he was actually Nimrod, as some fans theorize.


If that was the only mention of Schultz's "Toy Story," then it was an outlier episode that almost has to be discounted. Klink had access to his records and his history. It certainly would have been brought up earlier in the series.
