MovieChat Forums > Doctor Zhivago (1965) Discussion > My favorite line in Doctor Zhivago

My favorite line in Doctor Zhivago

When comrade janitor yells at Zhivago:

"There was living-space for thirteen families in this one house!"

I cheered at that line. The same is true in my town; square footage hoarders with only two or three residents hogging the entire mcmansion. I wish a similar action would be taken!


"Oh, throw it away!"


Not sure this is my favorite line, but its certainly the one that I remember first over the years:

"I've executed better men than me with a small pistol."


My favorite line was by Zhivago.

"Your point, their village!"

nobody lives forever...


My favorite line was by Zhivago.

"Your point, their village!"

That scene with Andropov was brilliant, and one of my favorites. I thought the line you cite was a great one, but I was also partial to this one (same scene):

"I hate everything you say, but not enough to kill you for it."

Also, at the end, Yevgrav's parting words to Tanya and her boyfriend:

"Ah, then it's a gift!" - not the words so much as the unifying effect of relating back to the opening scene of Yuri's mother's funeral, and the Gromeko's meeting with Yuri, where Anna says almost the same thing. It's a completing the circle moment.


'There are two types of men, and only two ......' (Victor Komarovsky)


“We couldn't admire him when we weren't allowed to read him.“
