klaus kinski

was watcing this for first time ever today, and lo and behold, one of my alltime favorite actors shows up on the train ride, klaus kinski, who himself was a forced to join the nazi army, and shot by the british while hiding in a barn, then spent a year anda half in a british POW camp. he plays the forced labor prisoner who cheers on strelnikov, condemns the inhumane soviet system of terror, lies, and deception, and utters classic kinski dialogue" "i am the only free man. you are all cattle" or something to that effect. herzog couldnt have written a better scene for kinski. BRAVO!


He gave a tremendous performance with just a few lines and a couple of minutes screen time.

"I'm just as sentimental as the next fella when it comes to old times.....old times".


I remember reading an interview with Lean where he talked about Kinski at some length. He said something like Carlo Ponti had wanted to dub Kinski in post-production because of his accent, as they did with many of the bit actors. Lean however was so taken with Kinski's performance that he insisted his real voice be used.

Anyway, it was definitely a pleasant surprise seeing Kinski in this movie. He's in the movie for ten minutes tops but nearly steals it.

"Haven't they replaced you with a coin-operated machine yet?"


He was just great! What delight he took in his horrid enslavement as the sh*t shoveler on the train bragging about how he was the only free man!

That was a real star turn.

Love Klaus.


but they didn't use his real voice... the soundtrack has an overdub by another actor.


Came to this board hoping to find a thread like this. Kinski's performance makes for one of my all time favorite moments in this film.

"I'm not reckless . . . I'm skillful!"


I agree. Kalus stole the show with his 10 minute performance.


It halfway blew my mind when I saw him, but I wasn't 100% sure until I checked the cast. Good old Klaus! And perfectly cast in his role, too! I love it.


he was great. I've always remembered him.

suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008
