Yuri + Lara's Child

I am confused about a couple of things on Yuri and Lara's daughter. Did Yuri ever find out Lara had his child? Also, why did Lara name her Tonya? That was the name of Yuri's wife. Was this done out of a mutual admiration/respect, as Tonya had also expressed her respect for Lara in the letter to Yuri?

Let me breathe, Let me see if my therapist is on speed dial.


Did Yuri ever find out Lara had his child?


Also, why did Lara name her Tonya? That was the name of Yuri's wife.

It's been a while since I read the novel, so I might be off somewhat, but I believe Lara's child was called Tanya, not Tonya. Tanya is a nickname for Tatiana or can be a given name in itself. Geraldine Chaplin's character, however, was "Tonya," which was short for Antonia. So they really were not the same name, although they sounded the same (and were written the same) in the film.

EDIT: I went back to the book and checked. Yuri's wife's name is Antonina Alexandrevna, "Tonya" for short. Lara's daughter is "Tatiana" and "Tanya" is a nickname for Tatiana. So in fact Lara's child is not named after Yuri's wife.
