8.0 are you kidding me?

This is one of the greatest movies of all time. This rating is outrageous. This is an instance in which the admins need to come in and make the rating higher.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?




Yes, 8.0 is a *pretty* good rating, but compared to Flight Club or The Empire Strikes Back for example, each with an 8.8 rating, it is just a travesty.


A. Why do people get so worked up over something as trivial and flawed as the imdb ratings system and top 250?
B. What would be the sense of having a rating system where the members vote if an admin could just step in and change a rating if they choose to?


But you can't fix laughably bad and immature taste by subverting the rating system. Sadly, it is what it is.
