MovieChat Forums > Doctor Zhivago (1965) Discussion > What did Victor do to Lara's mom in the ...

What did Victor do to Lara's mom in the beginning?

She drank that bottle but why? And why did he hush it up?


Victor had been having an affair with Lara's mother. He then seduced Lara. When the mother realised it, she attempted suicide. Victor wanted it kept quiet as it would have been a big scandal.

"I'm just as sentimental as the next fella when it comes to old times.....old times".


You're not very bright, are you?

Victor was a prominent figure who couldn't afford the scandal of his mistress' attempting suicide b/c he was also sleeping with her daughter.

Did you really miss that?


Yeah... one of the most boneheaded questions ever asked. Literally.


Oh, there's quite a few doozy's throughout this board. IMDB rarely disappoints if you want to read boneheaded.

Push the button, Max


Virginity was a big issue those days. From what the BluRay doc tells, the mom found Lara lost her virginity and the embarrassment was too much for her so she drank the iodine Pasha used for his face.

Javier H. Moreno


You are right about virginity being a big issue at that time. However…the day after the demonstration, Lara's mother already has that knowing face when she asks her daughter: "You want to go to church…?" I think that's one of life's mysteries, but it is still true: A mother knows. Also, she knew Komarovsky was a leech. So, why does she kill herself weeks, maybe even months, later? I think she does because her suicide is not only motivated by Lara's loss of virginity (and her subsequent guilt, after all it was HER who let the two go out without her) but also by jealousy.
