Easily thirty minutes too long.

Plenty of scenes that could have been cut, and they leave like 4 minutes for the ending? goofy!



For me, at least, the parts of this film fit together like those of a jigsaw puzzle - nothing extra needed, nothing to be left out. As was stated earlier, the character studies/development give legitimacy to everything we see on screen. I was fascinated by this film from the first time I saw it and, considering how frequently it's appeared on TV in the last few years, so do the TV networks. I wouldn't tinker with this minor masterpiece; they did with the re-make and it got them nowhere.


Only half agree. It was a character-driven movie and character isn't something you can just demonstrate in seconds. Like all relationships, it evolves gradually. For this reason I have no problem with the movie's length. However, the ending did strike me as all too brief and a bit of an anticlimax. I'd like to have seen them actually land the `Phoenix'. So a few minutes more would be my choice.


What more did you need for the ending? Show some heart-to-heart talks on the ride home? Show everyone chillin' at Doorfmann's house for a reunion party? A scene to show how Ratbags is readjusting to normal life? I think it was great how the movie begins on the plane and ends right after they escape. No extra nonsense tacked on. Just the stuff that mattered.


There are always people nowadays wanting to create condensed versions of older films to suit their shorter attention spans.


It's great as it is.
