MovieChat Forums > The Pawnbroker (1965) Discussion > Question About Nazerman's Family

Question About Nazerman's Family

It's been 20 maybe 25 years since I've seen this film. As a result, I don't have a clear recollection of the film. I was wondering about Nazerman's first family. I remember seeing them early in the film before, the concentration camps. Were they ever shown in the camp? Did they show the family being killed? If so, did Nazerman see this? What scenes of the family, if any did they show in the camp.

Also, does anyone know when this will be shown again on TV. If so, when and what station.



We never see Nazerman's children again, but we do see Mrs. Nazerman in his flashabacks which show her sitting topless on a cot in the concentration camp, intercut with Ortiz's girl offering herself to him in the present time. Eventually a Nazi guard is seen standing over Nazerman's wife, so we are led to assume that she is raped and that poor Sol is forced to witness it.



You see his wife naked on a cot in a building that was most likely a "Joy Division" house filled with Jewish women who were used/abused for sex and not much else.

Also, there is a scene where he is on the NYC subway and starts to have flashbacks to being in a cattle car going to a concentration camp and his son drops dead to the ground in the middle of packed people. His wife is screaming.

What amazed me about this film is how much of the non-showers/ovens horrors they saw. As a child of Holocaust survivors, I'm a bit annoyed at how many films concentrate on the death camp horrors as the end-all of horrors. Seeing this film and seeing them hint at the sexual abuse and the deaths in the trains really blows my mind. It's a more mature and full glimpse of horrors beyond just marching people in the camps and working them to death.

And I don't mean to disparage those deaths in the ovens/showers at all. But more of a critique of how film handles the horrors and views of the Holocaust.


There's a flashback to when the German soldiers first come to take them. Nazerman, his wife, his children and his parents are shown frolicking in the countryside at a picnic before they are arrested.
