One of the better entries

One of the Roger Corman/Vincent Price 'Poe collaborations', based on Poe's short story Ligeia. Price plays Verden Fell, a man who believes himself haunted by the spirit of his dead wife. When Fell remarries, his new wife also feels Ligeia's presence - which she believes is trying to kill her. Ultimately, Fell must face Ligeia - whether real, or just a manifestation of his obsession - and purge her from his life.

Price is on form. Elizabeth Shepherd does well in the dual roles of Ligeia and new wife, Rowena. Filmed in England, several British character actors (Derek Francis, Richard Vernon, Frank Thornton) make welcome appearances, and Castle Acre Priory in Norfolk serves as a picturesque and atmospheric location. Corman's direction is tight, maintaining an underlying sense of unease, building to a fiery climax. 7/10
