Was it ever revealed how Catwoman survived what was supposed to have been a fatal fall in the first season second part Catwoman episode?


We all just assumed she was more actual cat than just a costume and persona..


According to what someone wrote on Batman Wiki fansite,

Better Luck Next Time (S1 E20)
After Catwoman falls into bottomless crevasse she uses up one of her nine cat lives; the second time this happens is when she falls 200 feet off a warehouse roof into a river whilst trying to avoid capture from Batman in Scat! Darn Catwoman.

Scat! Darn Catwoman (S2 E41)
In this episode Catwoman claims she could survive the leap into the river, but Batman reminds her that she wouldn't survive the 200 foot fall into the river below; this is the second time Catwoman has used up one of her nine lives {The other was in the Captain Manx treasure episode Better Luck Next Time when trying to escape the Dynamic Duo she also falls into a bottomless pit}.

So I guess a reason was never stated out loud on the show. But I don't know for sure.
