Least Favorite Song

The Monkees have so many great songs...there are only a few I really don't like. "Your Auntie Grizelda" and "The Day We Fall in Love" are two that come to mind.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


I don't really like Valleri. I don't know why, I like the lyrics, but, the boys are out of tune when they all sing "Valeri" together, and it makes me cringe.



Laugh. Just awful


I agree on Laugh and Auntie Grizelda. Not fond of any of song where Tork is on lead vocals. DW Washburn was kinda bad too.


Probably one of those Davy ballads like "I Wanna Be Free" or "When Love Comes Knocking At Your Door". But I'm pretty unfamiliar with the post-Instant Replay albums.


I agree there are some songs they could have "left on the shelf", but those two are some of his best ones in my opinion. Really pretty.


"I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog", "Shades of Gray", and "She".

Nesmith did write some really great stuff (I personally love, love, LOVE "Papa Gene's Blues" and "Mary, Mary" is okay too) but "I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog" was just ridiculous in every way. It seems that they probably approached him and said something like, "Hey, Mike, we're gonna do an episode about you writing a song and getting duped by a sleazy fake music publisher, so can you write something that the fans haven't heard before...and get it back to us in, say, half an hour? No pressure or anything..."


She and Shades of Gray are better than some others to me, but I agree about the dog song, although the puppies in the video were cute. I like Mike's "Don't Call Me", a song they played during their Paris trip. Really pretty.


Obviously any song after the tv show would be the worst ones, but while the show was on...

I Wanna Be Free adn Shades of Grey......so boring.


Shades of Grey

Peter Sings 

The song itself is awful

Ditto both of the above with Aunty Grizelda (sp?)

Don't f@ck with me fellas! This aint my first time at the rodeo.


Mike didn't actually write I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog Boyce and Hart did. They meant for it to be serious but Micky and Davy kept making fun of it while recording it cause they didn't like it.


I Wanna Be Free.

I think it's just one of those songs that just doesn't fit the pop image of the Monkees.

Ballads like that should be sung by Joan Baez.


I guess "For Pete`s sake" is my least favorite. I really like most of their songs.

My mom says you have the best posture of anyone she knows!



Generally speaking I just sort of turn off the cynical part my brain when I hear Monkees songs and just remember the fun. (Which is why i can't agree with the above post about Daydream believer. Where's your sense of whimsy, man?) Much as I love Micky, my least favorite has to be "Shorty Blackwell." There's just no way to enjoy that song without being on the same drug combination Micky must've been on while writing it.


I think I'd have to say "Apples, Peaches, Bananas and Pears". There are a few others I'm not too fond of but can tolerate listening to but THAT one just grates on my nerves!!


Yeah, Daydream Believer is one of my favorites. Even if it's overplayed. It's still good. Oh yes, Shorty Blackwell...THAT is one of the weirdest songs I've ever heard. I think the beginning of it is funny but after a certain point I have to turn it off...I can't listen to it all the way through, I'm not sure if I ever have. I think once.

Anything I could have said I felt somehow that you already knew


I'll Be True To You", "The Day We Fall In Love", are a couple of my least favorite Monkees songs.




I can agree with "The Day We Fall In Love" -- blech -- way too sappy for my personal taste. However, I liked "Your Auntie Grizelda" because I thought it was funny.

And I could have lived without Mike's "yee-haw" in that one song (the name of which totally escapes me at the moment, but I remember liking the song otherwise).


Do you possibly mean Papa Gene's Blues? Only other one with a yee haw or yah hoo would be Band 6.


Interestingly enough, "Your Auntie Grizelda" is one of the few Monkees songs where Peter sings lead.


'Auntie Grizelda' makes me laugh. I can't dislike it cuz it's so silly.

I agree with whoever posted about 'Valleri'. It's actually a really cool song, but they are SO OFF KEY when they sing the chorus that it makes my eyes cross.

I can't stand 'Laugh'. Sorry Davy!

"I think that's a lame idea... I just want you to know that." - Mike Nesmith


I haven't heard all of their songs. My only reference right now is a "Best of.." cd and my least favorite is "Porpoise Song" I don't know what's going on with that one. Whew.

"This isn't exactly the first grave we've dug. You still think I'm a catch?" - Sam Winchester


No way, Porpoise Song is one of my absolute favourites!

I'm not too fussed on 'I Wanna Be Free' or 'For Pete's Sake' but I don't think there are any I've come across that I actually can't listen to. Not yet anyway...

Hi, hi, hi there! At last we meet.


Pvt, I've actually changed my mind about Porpoise Song after another couple 'listens' and now I like it!

"Listen here, chisel chest - okay. We were here first."
- Ed Zeddmore to Dean Winchester


Yay! Good call :) It took me a few listens as well before I decided I liked it. But I'm like that with quite a few of their songs: Star Collector, Tapioca Tundra, Rosemarie...


Hi, hi, hi there! At last we meet.


I've just purchased the Anthology and have heard several more Monkees songs I'd never heard before. I see there's a four disc collection so my opinion will be limited since I don't have it. But here are a few songs I don't like at all so far - not even after more than one hearing:

Through the Looking Glass
Good Clean Fun (a little too country for me)
No Time (I don't think the Chuck Berry sound works for them.)
D.W. Washburn

"Listen here, chisel chest - okay. We were here first." - Ed Zeddmore to Dean Winchester


Through the Looking Glass grew on me but I cannot listen to the very last bit, it does hurt the ears! I love No Time, especially hearing how it all comes together on Headquarters Sessions. And I always liked DW Washburn when I was a kid so I think that's why I still like it although I can understand it is a bit of a dodgy song.

I listened to Shorty Blackwell for the first time yesterday and get what people are saying. Very odd and I can't listen to it all the way through but I do like parts of it.

Writing Wrongs is probably the most irritating one because I LOVE the beginning and the end but I don't like all the instrumental stuff in the middle. I've tried but I just can't get on with it.

I think it's mostly just the Davy ballads I don't really like but I can still listen to them.

Hi, hi, hi there! At last we meet.


I like Good Clean Fun and No Time.

I've always hated D.W.Washburn, but I think Daddy's Song is their worst.


For me I think it's "D.W. Washburn". Just a very unimaginative boring song! I never liked "I Wanna Be Free" either. All those sappy Davy songs were blech.

"Your Auntie Grazilda" is bad, but it's fun to listen to and Pete's vocals are adorable. Same with "Laugh". Bad song, but listenable.

I agree about the original "Valleri" being very off tuned. But the 1968 is much more polished and my fave version (even though Mike detested it).



LOL!! The Day We Fall in Love is weak! I forgot about that song!


I always hated She. Don't know why for sure, just...never cared for it for some reason.

Bobby: Do I look like Dr. Phil to you?
Crowley: A little.


Shades of Grey. Yuck.


"French Song" and "The Day We Fall In Love".

Also, just about everything on the album "Pool It".


'We Were Made for Each Other' is somewhere near the bottom of the barrel for me, though I confess I've never heard "Pool It!" all the way through.


I agree with most other posters here, D.W. Washburn and Shorty Blackwell are my least favorite Monkees songs. I can't figure out what they were doing taking up space on the Monkees Music Box box set. I also am not a fan of most of Davy's sappy love ballads. I do like Daydream Believer and Time and Time Again though.
