50 years ago...

hard to believe it's been 50 years this month since this show debuted. i still remember watching it our small Motorola black and white TV. it was such a stupid and goofy show but it was a lot of fun; brings back memories of a fun and simpler time.


I completely agree. It is a great show, and yes, talk about nostalgia.

Interestingly, someone said -- was it Peter Tork? I think so, but I am not completely sure -- that, to put the 50-year anniversary in perspective, consider that, in 1966, if something was celebrating that same anniversary, it would have come out in 1916.


THAT is a funny and unique way to look at their 50 year anniversary! i have a great aunt who just turned 101 last week (born sept 13, 1915) , and she would have been born right around the time to which he was referring.


Wow, 101 years old. That is sincerely awesome. Hope she had a great birthday celebration.


lol, she did! her best friend, Olive, was there - Olive is 105!
