Doesn't hold up well

None of them were actually musicians and they were all pretty lousy actors too. I have no idea why I even watched this show as a little kid when it first aired. I thought I had better taste than this.


You don't know what you're talking about.

As far as I know they were musicians. Certainly Mike was and if you don't like it then keep it to yourself and allow those who enjoyed it to discuss it in peace.


Little touchy over a silly television show aren't we ? I bet you're one of those people who tells people to shut up if they don't have anything nice to say about Hillary Clinton, aren't you ?


China, take your politics somewhere else. Thanks.


James, see the OT thread about Trump.
It already has 210 posts!


Actually they were musicians. That is part of what made some of them unhappy. They wanted to be playing more music.


I disagree about the musician part.

The thing is though is shows you enjoyed as a kid or even as a teen often come across differently as an adult. I remember when I watched this as an adult again I thought for a moment how different it seemed. The plots didn't make too much sense and it was just so random. But I still enjoyed it. It's fun to watch.

There are shows and even books I enjoyed as a kid or teen which I can stand now. We all grow up and our tastes change.

But I always hope I'll love this show. I'll always love their music.


This was my absolute favorite show as a kid.

As an adult, watching a few episodes again, I'm literally stunned at how stupid it was. Absolutely the most infantile thing I've ever seen.

Very strange.


I've watched a few episodes on YouTube and yes it is silly. A lot of plots or things they do just don't make sense. But I do laugh at and of course the music is great.


It's light entertainment. No more or less


This was my absolute favorite show as a kid.

As an adult, watching a few episodes again, I'm literally stunned at how stupid it was. Absolutely the most infantile thing I've ever seen.

I agree. It was aimed at kids, tweeners (although "tweener" was not a word then), and teenagers, and was pushed as wacky humor to attract that demographic in the 1960s. TV styles change. Even though it looks very dumb now, I'd still watch The Monkees over any reality show or Kardashian krap.


I loved this when i was a kid in the 80's, but i saw a few episodes recently, and i was like "Oh man, the writers must have been SO high." My younger (but still adult) brother who has never seen it sat down and watched part of one with me and he was like "What were they on?"


I remember enjoying "Alias Mickey Dolenz" as a kid, good camerawork and doppelganger acting, great songs...

As an adult, it's hideous to sit through. But the show was made for kids.

At least for most of season 1, I wonder if "Monkee vs Machine" will come across as juvenile.

But Season 2 has a number of episodes that clearly are not made for just 10 year olds. Oh, some lines and antics still reach that demographic, but more adult jokes, self aware scenes, and other moments do appeal to older audiences and hold up a lot better. "Fairy Tale" holds up amazingly well, and one can tell how much Michael Nesmith is enjoying his dual role. And one of the best songs ever written and performed by the group in the 60s, "Daily Nightly". Dolenz, a very early adopter of the first Moog synthesizer, added the electronic whirl noises. The alternate versions sans Moog noises can be found and it's still good, but the Moog turns an already great song into something even better. He was the right vocalist to use as well, I don't think anyone else could sing it and keep the ethereal feel to it.


And you would lose that bet. And frankly for you to even compare The Monkees to any of these Giants of Comedy is a joke. As for "A Hard Day's Night? " It is probably one of the 10 best films of all time. "The Monkees, " on the other hand, is probably one of the 10 worst TV shows of all time. Any adult who can actually watch this show and still enjoy it as much as they did when they were 8 years old obviously never matured and still has the brain of an 8 year old.


Hey idiot! I am not the only one JOHN LENNON FREAKEN DID IT. You are the only loser to not recognize that humor is different today than 50 years ago. Most would find the Monkers funny. What do you find laugh out loud funny from the 60's. People say the same thing about the comedians I mention. People say Laurel and Hardy are out dated. People say the Matx Brothers are not funny any more. I mean think about it. A guy walking around with a horn would get no laughs these days. Say the secret word. Yeah that's funny today. The 3 Stooges? I hear the same comments about them. So don't act like you are the comic genius. You are the one who is clueless.



Yep, I went there. I know this is considered blasphemous, but I like their music more than their inspiration the Beatles, I like their show far more than the Beatles movies, and I just like them, as people, more. The Beatles are probably the single most overrated band in history.


I saw them in 1986 on mtv when they came back in popularity, They still crack me up have the 2 dvd sets just got the blu ray set. I like all of the ridiculous sixties shows and this one is my top favorite. And the music is great also. And for holding up I think it is a time capsule to an era where I was not born yet.


I'm with you, I like a few Beatles songs but I LOVE The Monkees!


You like "their" music more than you do the Beatles. That's the poin't, it wasn't the Monkee's music, it was Carol King's music, it was Neil Diamonds music, etc. It so sad the way people continue and try to legitimize these manufactured clowns. To even mention their name in the same breath as the Beatles is ludicrous. The Monkees are on par with the Partridge Family, or the Brady Bunch, when they did music, or even Milli Vanilli


I'm with Darrin with most of that. However, I do love The Monkees and my fave songs are the ones they themselves wrote, partic Nez, but they are not comparable to The Beatles. Their playing was not very good and they would not have existed if it were not for them.


To each his own. Personally I find the Beatles to be completely overrated in every way.
