Help With Song

I remember a song that I loved at the end of a Monkees show with Mickey Dolenz playing timpani (or a big drum) during a significant part of the musical number.

I've never been able to locate it. It was a long time ago, but I'd appreciate any suggestions on what the song could be.

If your wife is a wicked witch, you're a flying monkey.


It's "Randy Scouse Git" -- one of my favorites. Here you go:

Watch Mike's expressions throughout the video and try to keep a straight face.

What sort of chap is this brother-in-law of yours?
He's a nut!


Thanks pizzabagel. With a title like that it's no wonder I could never find the song, yet that's the one.

If your wife is a wicked witch, you're a flying monkey.


Maybe you should have looked under the song's Alternate Title.


What would the alternate title be?

If your wife is a wicked witch, you're a flying monkey.


See and you'll find out.

Everybody has to pay taxes. Even businessmen that rob and steal and cheat from people.
