MovieChat Forums > The Monkees (1966) Discussion > The Monkees Animated TV Series!

The Monkees Animated TV Series!

Why not? Do it!

Bring back the series using the original actors to provide voice-overs for their animated counterparts. With some great comedic writers scripting the episodes, and talented artists providing the visuals, modernizing the show to a minimal extent while keeping true to the live series... it could have some amazing potential! Put 'em on Cartoon Network maybe and you could have three generations of kids glued to the screen. :)


I;d check it out!


I would watch that show :-)

We are all going to die.
I intend to deserve it.


I still have most of the comic books and they were great fun, so this would be, too. I doubt if you could talk Michael into it...he never wants anything to do with The Monkees since he got rich from his mother inventing Liquid Paper and him inventing videos...but I'll bet the others would. And even if they didn't, I'll bet Cartoon Network could find people whose voices are close enough...


True. But on the other hand, it's one thing to go on tour for several months. Providing a voice for a cartoon takes considerably less time & involvement. So who knows. But yeah, it probably wouldn't be too hard to find someone able to mimic his voice closely enough for the imagination to take over.

Here's hoping a producer, one of the guys, or someone else capable of getting something like this moving happens to check the message boards. :)


Cartoon and comic book would be fun!


Cartoon and comic book would be fun!


It was called, "The Banana Splits Show" 1970!

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero




It seems like there WAS a Monkees cartoon made in the 60's or 70's. It was a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, I think. It's been too many years since I saw it. Did I dream it? Or were The Monkees guests on a Hanna-Barbera Cartoon, and I'm just remembering that?

" . . .Aslan is on the move!"


No, that was the Beatles. It was by King Features, the same company that did the "Yellow Submarine" cartoon movie.

Davy was animated solo for an episode of Hanna Barbara's "New Scooby Doo Movies".


There was also The Monkees cartoon.


You are NOT imagining it! However, it doesn't seem to be anywhere!

Yes, The Monkees had a separate cartoon show from the The Beatles. I can remember not being a fan of The Beatles, but loving The Monkees. I don't know why. I was a little kid and I was in the hospital, so it was whatever made me happy that I wanted to watch.

I just posted:

Somebody wrote a LiveJournal entry about The Monkees sitcom. I responded with, "I know they had the sitcom.

Did you ever see/do you remember the CARTOON of the The Monkees? I had felt like I was the only one that remembered it since I can't find anything about it online.

Briana then told me that she remembered it, too.

I don't know the year it started airing or on what channel. In fact, I don't even know what channel I watched. However, I remember when I was in the hospital in Kindergarten, I remember my Mama turning on the TV for me because I LOVED watching that cartoon. That made me happy, many times out of horrible days.

I would wait for this four cartoon figures marching down the street in what I seem to remember as blue marching band uniforms with gold/yellow bars on the shirts and black feathers coming from the hats. I might not have that quite right. However, I know that the song, "Hey, hey, we're The Monkees" played as they walked down the street."


Davy Jones of the Monkees appeared on a single episode of The New Scooby Doo Movies. After that, there wasnt ever an animated Monkees series at all.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


The Monkees did make an "appearance" in one episode of Schoolhouse Rock.

Remember this, the third verse of "A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing"?:

Oh, I put a dime in the drugstore record machine.
Oldie goldies started playing, if you know what I mean.
I heard Chubby Checker, he was doin' the Twist.
And the Beatles and the Monkees, it goes like this.
I put a dime in the drugstore record machine.

Exactly like your father! A big, stupid, muscle-headed moron!


I can't believe The Monkees were not turned into a cartoon. Almost everything else has been.


Why would they take a show based on the 60's with 60's music and turn it into a cartoon? The show would target middle aged people who like cartoons? Well, now that Davy is dead I think it is pointless, but I will play along. Would they have the old songs from the 60's or new songs? Neither of those ideas would work in 2014.



A Monkees cartoon would have been good only if the real Monkees provided the voices. "The Beatles" cartoon did not feature the voices of the real Beatles.

