MovieChat Forums > Blow-Up (1967) Discussion > Can I get that back...?

Can I get that back...?

I swear, when the camera panned away for that wide shot on the lawn after the mimed tennis game I was thinking "Oh hell no! I know they aren't ending this *beep* this way!" Nope, I was wrong, that was truly the end. I just wasted a little over an hour of my life watching this pointless film. Can I get that hour back? Was anyone else as disappointed as I was/am?


(raising my hand) Yeah, me! It's funny...I had the same thought as you at the scene. Suddenly it was apparent it was ending there and I thought WHAT??? That's the end??? What bull$h!+!! Pretentious piece of crap masquerading as "art".


OP, you and the other poster are SO wrong. I'm no expert when it comes to film, I keep learning new things, so take my post with a grain of salt if you like, but of all the films I've ever seen, this is one of the few about which I have no doubt: this is capital "a" Art. Visual storytelling of the highest order.

That being said, Blow-Up cannot be grasped in one viewing. If you really care to understand it, think about what you remember of the first viewing. What was different from other films you've seen? What, in your view, was stressed? There are "absurd" moments - they all "matter". If you want, read something on Blow-Up, to help with your mental computation of the film. But if you love film, and really want to see greatness in the film's you watch, Blow-Up is not a film to give up on. No matter how many times you need to see it, you will be rewarded when it all "makes sense" to you. And the ending is perfectly "logical", when all is said and done.


AneesahC88 You must have been fast-forwarding if you only wasted an hour.


almost two hours.


Yeah it's a bore.
