MovieChat Forums > Nevada Smith (1966) Discussion > Does anyone else have parents that named...

Does anyone else have parents that named you after a movie like mine did


My name is Nevada Smith
Yes, no kidding I was named after this movie.
Has anyone else been named after a movie too?

Any time I run into someone also they tell me that they know someone named Nevada, but it's always a guy. I"m a girl and I wonder why the name Nevada would always be for a guy?

Anyway I just wanted to see if there are any other Nevada Smith's out there or what kind of names kids got from movies.

I'd like to hear from anyone




There is an author named Nevada Barr who is also a woman. Not sure if she was named after the movie.

FWIW, I think Nevada is a great name for a girl!


When I graduated university and became a substitute teacher in new york city I had a young black boy in one of my classes named "Kojack Carter" and I seem to remember that when the show "Roots " was shown many parents were naming their children "Kunta Kinte". I am still waiting to meet Kunta Kinte Schwartz.


I was named Cory after the name of Tony Curtis' character in Mister Cory.



Well, Ms. Nevada Smith...even if you were named after a movie I suggest you read the book, THE CARPETBAGGERS, and learn all about the Nevada Smith character. Also, you should watch the film of the same name in which the role of NS was played by Alan Ladd and I think that was his last movie before his death.


Just thank GOD your parents didn't name you Creole Prostitute or Saloon Girl!


When my parents were dating, they went to see the Elizabeth Taylor movie "Cynthia". They agreed that, when they married and had their first child, they would name her "Cynthia"~which they did.

I was in my late 50s before I got to see this movie, which I watched with my widowed mother. We were so surprised to see that she was a sickly girl, which I have been since birth. Mom didn't recall that part about the movie and said, "Maybe we should have named you something else." *giggle* Back then, my name was very unusual; later, "Cynthia" became rather popular. Yes, all through my life people have tried calling me "Cindy", but I correct them because, as a child, there were several songs they would tease me with. When I got older and braver, I would insist on "Cynthia".

An older cousin on my father's side of the family is named "Scarlett" for the famous "GWTW" heroine.

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC


Nevada is mostly a girl's name. Generally speaking names that end in an a are girls names. I would think though that people would associate you more with the state of Nevada than the movie or anybody else with the name.
