The Trio of Villains

Mr. Virgil Hilts,in a review dated November of 2003,has commdnted that the villains in this film are as bad a trio as one could hope for(or words to that effect.)Possibly,but I think that the villains in "Hannie Caulder,"to be frank are much more destuctive,and a lot funnier.


I saw this for the first time ever last night and felt the villains were weak in this movie. Sorry, Karl Malden is just not a scary guy. I would have preferred Robert Vaughn or someone with more of an edge in that role.


You mean you were cared of Karl Malden when he was sitting with his legs crossed while talking to Nevada Smith? The guy just OOZED PURE EVIL.

No, wait .. you're right. Not scary at all.


Karl Malden is one of the great character actors in movie history. He has stood toe to toe with Marlon Brando , Sean Connery and George C. Scott. He is an actors actors and past president of the screen actors guild. I have not read the book but in that scene I think that they are trying to convey that Fitch was the brains of the group and that Mcqueen had to outsmart him(boy does he ever). I think that you are used to television cartoon villians who are one dimensional and can be easily duped. I guess after killing the Martin Landau character Max knew that he had to reevaluate his tactics.


Actually found Martin Landau far scarier. Maybe because he did the actual flaying of Max's Mom and seemed to enjoy doing it. A sick mind here.

And Landau always played sinister characters. A good actor. He deserved his Oscar for ED WOOD in the early 1990S.
