This Movie Is Great

Cary Grant was a great actor and every movie i have seen him is great including this one.

Jimmy Mac


It is a great movie, I like his character in the film, he's very funny.


I concur


Davis: "All that suckatash!"

"So I'm a what of it?" - Renaldo



If you think this is great, you should see the original. "Walk Don't Run" is a remake of "The More the Merrier." The only thing better in the remake is Cary Grant, who could class up ANY joint. "The More the Merrier" may be the best romantic comedy I've ever seen. Instead of the Tokyo Olympics, it's set in Washington DC during WWII, and the housing shortage is due to the war effort. It's just brilliant. I hope you can catch that one and enjoy it too.


""Walk Don't Run" is a remake of "The More the Merrier." The only thing better in the remake is Cary Grant, who could class up ANY joint. "The More the Merrier" may be the best romantic comedy I've ever seen."

I have seen "The More the Merrier" twice and I found it quite depressing. I love "Walk Don't Run"! :)

Ellery Queen (Jim Hutton) = sexiest man ever!


'The More The Merrier' is incredibly romantic. A scene in which the two romantic leads walk together on a sidewalk - just unbelievable...


I gave "The More the Merrier" another fair chance about a year ago, and I liked it better then than I did about 7 years ago. It's a bittersweet comedy, because the man is going off to war. "Walk Don't Run" has a much more lighthearted feel to it. Both movies are good.

By the way, I noticed that you are currently calling yourself "mathmaniac". I'm a math geek myself.

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


I didn't realize until someone here pointed out that this was his (Cary Grant's) last movie. It seems like he was still in his stride (pardon the pun) and had several more movies in him, unless he was just plain tired of the business by then.

Also, I would be remiss not to note what an exquisite creature Samantha Eggar was!


I was pleasantly surprised by this film - I thought it would be dated and a little lame, but, bar the bizarre subplot with the Russian (which I suppose I should have expected), I actually found it quite funny. Samantha Eggar was pretty and smart (I loved the opening scenes as she and Cary Grant get used to sharing), Cary Grant his trademark self, and Jim Hutton very cute (like his son!) John Standing, as the fiance, was also very natural. I laughed out loud a few times, and didn't notice that, for a comedy, it runs nearly two hours long.

"Tony, if you talk that rubbish, I shall be forced to punch your head" - Lord Tony's Wife, Orczy


"Cary Grant his trademark self, and Jim Hutton very cute (like his son!) John Standing, as the fiance, was also very natural."

Oh yes, Jim Hutton was definitely very cute. He was better looking in the seventies, though. :)

Ellery Queen (Jim Hutton) = sexiest man ever!


I heard that he didn't really want to have his fans see him growing old in the movies,he wanted to realx & be w/his child at the time.He also had an issue w/teaming up w/younger & younger woman in movies,he felt he was getting too old to be paired w/the young actresses. Good for him,he was such a classy man. now all these old gits act w/very young imapppropriate actresses,it gets kind of silly.He was one of a kind


"He also had an issue w/teaming up w/younger & younger woman in movies,he felt he was getting too old to be paired w/the young actresses. Good for him,he was such a classy man. now all these old gits act w/very young imapppropriate actresses,it gets kind of silly.He was one of a kind."

I love the humor in this movie regarding him and the young landlady. :)
"Just how attractive is she?" "None of your business!" etc. Good stuff! :)

Ellery Queen (Jim Hutton) = sexiest man ever!


I watched this movie yesterday for the first time in my life, and from the first shot to the last I was smiling, laughing at times too, this is a very fine , clean and elegant comedy, Grant was as usual superb and he made the best farewell gesture in this movie, he gave his heart to the newer generation - his two young room mates - and maybe as a symbol too for the newer generation in cinema business as some would suggest. he was so Paternal and caring yes, yet I can still see the Cary Grant that I loved in Philadelphia Story 26 years earlier.
I can't believe he was over sixty in this movie, I'm 37 and I pray to be half his fittness at MY age !!! but he was right, times were changing and he had to retire in grace to keep the good image, also he had a baby whome he wanted to take care of.
As for the other actors, I loved Jim Hutton and Samantha Eggar, they had great chemistry I believe, Jim was so damn sexy and Samantha was really beautiful in her own right, The direction was good really, in the times when they made love and just about to do IT then stopped for any reason ( Japanese Police ,English fiance , Russian spy ) I really could feel the frustration myself , hahahaha .
Also the music was so nice and light hearted, just as the movie itself
Great Movie ,too bad they don't make'm like that anymore ;)

Here's looking at you , kid !


"As for the other actors, I loved Jim Hutton and Samantha Eggar, they had great chemistry I believe, Jim was so damn sexy and Samantha was really beautiful in her own right..."

Yup, I agree with you!!!! Actually, I think that Jim got even sexier as he got older. Have you seen him in the Ellery Queen series? :) I recommend that series for sure. :) It's a whodunnit series from the seventies, starring JIm Hutton and David Wayne (one season only, unfortunately).

I have dedicated my screen name and signature to this cutie. :)

Jim Hutton: talented attractive hot; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


The only good performers in this movie are Cary Grant and Qunicy Jones.

All the rest of it is near useless.

“Your thinking is untidy, like most so-called thinking today.” (Murder, My Sweet)


Wonderful movie. It is almost like a silent movie in the beginning, with the slapstick and the misunderstandings.

The late Jim Hutton was great. I guess they thought that he was unable to carry this off by himself without a major star like Grant.

Samantha Eggar is indeed exquisite in real life, but her beauty is not played up until the end of the movie.

There will only ever be one Cary Grant.


This movie is more than a bit silly and predictable and far too long, but the actors do their best to make it somewhat believable. I disagree that the only good performers in this movie are Cary Grant and Qunicy Jones. Although some of the music is excellent, I think Jones tries too hard to give many of the scenes a comedic feel and instead, the score sounds cartoon-ish and dated at times. Grant is Grant and the script really doesn't matter for him but Eggar's and Hutton's acting seem forced, with little chemistry between them.

The best performer, by far, in this movie is Miiko Taka, Eggar's Japanese friend. She does not under- or over-play the small part she has but plays it right on the money. It is from her subtle (and some not so subtle) glances that give any credibility to the intention of the plot and the other actors. The rest is just fluff.


I've always been a huge Cary Grant fan and he can make any film he is in so I was surprised to find that I hadn't known he was in this film until now and no way should this have been his last movie as he was still marvellous. I've only just seen it, fell inlove with it and ordered the dvd immediately. I already own The More the Merrier, but, I find Walk don't Run funnier and more romantic and Jim Hutton was sexy


I agree with you, he was still in his prime and could've made more films. On the bright side his retirement meant more time with his daughter.

I don't know why I never fully appreciated Walk Don't Run until this last time I saw it. Maybe I was too sleepy during previous viewings. lol



Yes one of the best comedies I have seen
