The end????????

What is Cary Grant holding at the end and what significance does it have?? Is it a watch,,, when hes watching to see if they kiss. somebody??? anybody??



I thought that he was holding the remote that opened the barrier between the newly married couple at the end.


It is the remote control for the sliding window (or door). I thought that this was one of the more important parts of the plot that was not well defined to the audience. We only see Sir William using it in the company office and briefly in his apartment but this idea could have been flushed out better, in lieu of some of the sillier plot vehicles (like the Russian spy).


For some reason I thought it was his cigar case, but couldn't figure out why. Also thought it was odd, how the screen opened on its own. Now it all makes sense....thanks.


Definitely the remote. He opens it allowing the two to see one another and kiss. I thought it was clear in the script but perhaps not for everyone.


I thought that was kind of clever. In the earlier version (this is a remake of a 1940s film) the wall was a real wall, I think made of bricks and plaster, and it was very messy when it was removed.

I wonder if someone at the studio thought of the movable walls in Japan and then decided on Tokyo.
