this IS a remake

Just realized this is a remake of the movie "The More the Merrier," which was all about the housing shortage in Washington D.C. during World War 2. Though the location is different, some of the scenes are remarkably the same. Check it out!


Yep. Noticed that as well.


Really? Excellent! I shall have to look out for that film.

Just proves my point though - it's a great plot that can run again and again.


I just posted the same thing after seeing The More The Merrier today on TCM. I deleted my message which had the same points as the OP's. (lol) I never read anything about this film being a remake in all the years I saw it on tv. Usually some film buff brings it up.


Well, writers Robert Russell & Frank Ross & even uncredited writer Garson Kanin are also in the credits of THE MORE THE MERRIER.

Sam Tomaino


So funny... being a Cary Grant fan I recorded Walk, Don't Run and watched it a couple of days ago. Being a fan as well of Jean Arthur, Joel McCrea, and George Stevens, I recorded The More the Merrier. I'm just sitting down to watch it, and I'm thinking, this movie is suspiciously like Walk, Don't Run. How odd that I should watch these two movies in a row and not even know that one is a remake of the other!

A wed wose; how womantic!


True it is a remake but that Cary Grant charm makes up for anything lacking in this from the original (i.e. Samatha Edggar and Jim Hutton are charming but not of the calibar of Jean Arthur and Joe McCrea as the young lovers). And I loved seeing Cary, at his age, doing his own stunts, climbing up the outside of the building to the second floor, not once but twice, and his powerwalk in the race.


I think that this movie is better than the original. I do like Jean Arthur. I have seen her in other movies.

Jim Hutton as Ellery Queen - totally hot!
