The stairs????

Does anyone know if, or have any of the actors ever said how many flights of stairs they "actually" climbed? I'm sure it was a lot, but I've watched about 1,000 times trying to notice if they just duplicated the scenes where someone was running up a flight, "or a stoop." If I ever meet any of these actors thats all I want to know!




I know that's what they were "supposed" to be climbing, but I wanna know how many JF and RR ACTUALLY climbed.

and BUMP


Just speculation, with zero actual knowledge: I would assume they climbed the same set of steps with different props to make it look like different floors. It's easier to change props than to move the camera to different real floors.

I also imagine that they would have filmed all the stair scenes at once with all the actors. Again, once the camera is set up, they would film everything required with that setup at once.

As to the actual question, only those involved in the filming would know, but I would bet tey had dozens of takes.


I suspect you're right, but of course, I'd rather think of them climbing the whole stairs rather than just climbing one set of stairs repeatedly and changing the props.

I don't think Robert Redford would have had as much trouble with those stairs as his character appears to, because he was in very good shape.


I noticed that the set only had two flights of 'real' stairs, with a floor inbetween. There's a couple of shots where the camera follows up from the ground floor to the first by going 'through' the floor. Thereafter, the camera cuts to two different landings - the cat food man and the drunk cop apartment, then the Bratter landing, so that's five (plus the stoop).


No matter how many stairs there actually was it was funny theme that ran in the film.

Its that man again!!
