MovieChat Forums > Barefoot in the Park (1967) Discussion > What an adorably darling film!

What an adorably darling film!

I've never really been much a fan of Jane Fonda, didnt even know much of her movies (aka watched them) but she is beautiful!!!! Her gorgeous hair which I cant' give a color for! (its like, golden peach! mix of blonde and red...) And her perfect figure, and Robert Redford! What a doll!!!
I just finished watching it, fully, and never thought I would stay the whole way through, but it's just, some darling films out there! Compared to what has been released in this century, including the films we see today, It's just a movie you cannot make outside of 1967!

Like someone said, it also glued a smile to my face by the end and throughout, it's HILARIOUS!!!! You(or may I) under-estimate humor of 40 years ago, but really, it's adorably funny!
But, the part I enjoyed was ofcourse, about falling in love, and it just makes my stomach go in knots impatient at getting to feel the same thing! (when I think of it, I too would marry after 6 days!) ...I knew naturally, they would end back together but I couldnt wait for them to get back into each other's arms.
Ofcourse it's unrealistic about one fight making Paul move out!
But it striked me particularly because, Corie acted so much like I would! And acted like a 15 yr old at times, but that's what made her charming and adorable! Like, from moving into her first place to over-enthusiastic personality, and her dacing around and just overlyjoyed seeing her 6-day husband and picking him up at the bus station AWWWWWW!! I would act identical to her, since I'd also be adventuresome etc but I wouldn't end up with such a -stuffed-shirt partner!! Well, sometimes you never know, opposites attract afterall. (And in this case, heck, if it were 20 somethign Robert Redford, anyday, man!@ Any day!)

Anyhoo, I'm jsut happy I saw this film, perhaps you wouldnt expect many 17 yr olds to have enjoyed it as much as I did, but it made my day (evening)!


I'm a big fan of this movie too. It's part of my permanent video collection. I never get tired of watching it and it always makes me laugh.


I have had the luck of being introduced to this movie in my drama class. We actually performed a scene from it, the one where Paul comes back after getting drunk in the park. I have always loved the scene, but then saw the movie and fell even more in love.

The fact that Corie and Paul seemingly are not really made for each other, but are so very much in love is my favorite part.

Although I have to say that Robert Redford is not too shabby. Lol.


I also did a scene from this, for my Drama final - the scene where they first move into the apartment and there's a hole in the skylight, which they sort of shortened in the movie. I still think the funniest scene is the dinner at the Armanian restaurant. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe when i first watched it. The look on Redford's face while the gypsy dancer drapes her hair all over him is priceless.

"I drank what?!?"



Yes this film has a really happy sort of dizzy 1960's carefree spirit, which is fun to watch!!

I think this is Neil Simon's best work, and just a great film.


It is refreshing to read that so many people still enjoy this movie, especially a 17 yr. old. This film holds special significance for me since my husband and I first saw it on our honeymoon in New York City at Radio City Music Hall, no less, nearly 39 years ago this July. We almost felt like we were living the roles and it made our honeymoon all the more romantic. It is a treasure.


This is one of the best films ever and I'm completely surprised that it isn't in the top 250. Well, I guess, actually I'm not. My sister and I still quote lines from the "But Senator, I'm only 16"...and have done so for years. And Redford is gorgeous.


SaucyBetty, that's awesome! My little sister is 15, loves Robert Redford, and since I've introduced her to this movie, we volley little gems from it back and forth, too! And I totally agree, RR is absolutely edible in this movie. I applaud Jane Fonda's character for begging him to stay home so they can ...what a smart woman...


Yours is a touching tale, gypsyplc, and I wish you and your husband many more happy years!

I found this to be a delightful romantic comedy, a movie to lift your spirits. Perhaps not realistic but it vividly and hilariously brought to life all those old but so often true cliches that "Opposites attract" and "The honeymoon's over". It's certainly a fun movie to watch. My own favourite aspects were the apartment and the mother!


I wonder if that "gourmet group" has met in Charles Boyer's apartment? Weren't they scheduled to meet there in 2004, or near to then? LOL!


Yes, I wonder, carolyn davis! I believe it was sometime early in the 21st Century that they were to meet.


I hoped that Charles Boyer and the mother might elope and "echo" (or "prequel"?) the younger couple: he could introduce her to additional experiences and food, and she could give him some domestic stability!


Let's assume that's exactly what happened, carolyn davis!


I think that's the whole point, my dears, (C&D) -- Victor was feeling his age and the need for moderation, to say the least. Ethel is anything but a 'dull New Jersey housewife,' at the end of the film. By the way, Victor was hosting in 1987! HA!

It is such a lovely film -- for as many times as I've seen it, I always laugh. The cast are wonderful, but I do think that Mildred Natwick as Ethel Banks walks off with the film. She was Oscar nominated for Supporting Actress -- she lost and more's the pity.

"If I knew the people on the third floor, I would have visited them."

Ethel has very many good qualities, but first and foremost, she's a sport!

A pro pos of nothing, I remember a family outing into NYC from Cupcake Connecticut to see the film at the Radio City Music Hall. It's very vivid in my mind's eye, and a very nice memory, indeed. I was a few months shy of eight years old.

So glad you enjoyed the film, Roghache.

Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.


Yes, it's a charming and fun film, Gaelicguy. I agree that Mildred Natwick steals the show, and indeed, Ethel is a sport! It speaks well of you that you recall this movie so fondly from childhood, being such a tender age when you were taken to see it.

Ah yes...1987, that was the year!


Yes, great! And I agree with all the poimts about Ethel/Mildred Natwick. The gourmet group is probably meeting in that apartment yet again next year, as that will be twenty years from 1987! Gig!
That's a really nice story about your family outing, GG!


corazonsalvaje_3,we need more teenagers like you ; )

What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.


I absolutely adored Jane Fonda in the movie. It's just a shame that the movie is underrated and Jane Fonda's still being mistreated about the incident in Vietnam. Oh well, I never held anything against her, I'll always be a fanof Ms. Fonda and "Barefoot in the Park."

I'm also a Robert Redford fan, he aged beautifully and not only has looks but talent and persona as well.

However Charles Boyer and Mildred Natwick are overlooked. I love them as well. They made exellent finishing touches to this movie. ^^


I agree with your assessment of this film; however, I would hardly say that Boyer and Natwick are overlooked. Mildred Natwick was nominated for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for this film.



This has always been one of my favorites and when compared with "Borat" THIS film was actually funny!! "Borat" is a disgrace when compared to this adorable movie!



I remember catching this film while I was getting ready for work one day last year. I got so into it that I played "hooky" and watched the entire movie - and the replay later that afternoon! The two of them remind me of my husband and me when we were newlyweds.

I'm gonna have to find it somewhere, because it's definitely a classic worth having. Though the movie was released twelve years before I was born, I can definitely appreciate it, despite my youth.

I hear them say it
Cuss words ain't for no lady
But sometimes sh*t's real
- Jill Scott



Ahhh! You're 17 and obsessed with this movie, too?! I thought I was the only one! I absolutely ADORE Robert Redford (he's hotter than anyone around nowadays) and Jane Fonda is cute in this. I like her as an actress, but as a person, she's a bit odd sometimes. This is one of my all time favorite movies and I never tire of seeing it- it's so amazing and ahead of it's time

"All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie."
-Bob Dylan


im 18 and i love this film. i roared with laughter through the whole thing!!

robert is just too adorable and jane is wonderful, i love her pink dress by the way.

everyone in the film is spectacular: her mother, the neighbor, the telephone guy, the poor old man who nearly dies from climbing the stairs!!!

i wish there were great movies like this one nowadays.


Oh, me too! It doesn't get better than this.

"I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris- and I have enjoyed it."


I thought it was OKAY, not great and didn't care at all for the last 10-15 minutes of the movie when I finally caught it on TCM today. There are numerous Neil Simon plays turned films that are better. I've never really been a fan of Jane Fonda's movies (though I do like many Henry Fonda films), not even her cult Italian comic book film Barbarella (which seriously pales in comparison to Diabolik - released around the same era). I did like On Golden Pond.

BitP was listed in a movie book somewhat erroneously titled '501 must-see movies' that I picked up on a discount rack years ago because it's a nice quick reference mini coffee table paperback to have and in numerous cases useful as a decent movie rentals checklist for some classics. This film was yet another entry I didn't agree HAD to be included as 'must-see' (though I will say they have listed quite a few films I do need to get around to seeing). I still think they're crazy for listing the overhyped Pillow Talk, when I found Lover Come Back a much better film of the RH/DD/TR series.


If you're watching 'Fullscreen' DVDs, you aren't getting the whole picture.


I guess that book you mentioned probably only includes American movies. The movie is not really that great. I almost fell in sleep and had to skipped some scenes in the middle. I found Jane Fonda's acting in comedies are usually boring, especially in those comdedies in the 60s. Probably the stories are just too slow and silly for me, her "9 to 5" in the 80s is much better.

The only actor impressed me in this movie is that "dirty old man", a quite adorable guy.
