MovieChat Forums > Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Discussion > What the heck happened to the reported B...

What the heck happened to the reported BONNIE AND CLYDE remake?!

I was really looking forward to that (which was to star Hilary Duff)! Could someone who has perhaps kept up with the reports a little better please tell me what happened? I know it's obviously been shelved, but is that temporary? Will the project be picked up again?

There is obviously still interest in the story. After all, HISTORY channel will soon air a mini-series on it...

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


The miniseries looks better than the Hilary Duff version would have been.


I'm not so sure... miniseries looks like it will have far too much violence and not enough romance. Part of the beauty of the Bonnie and Clyde legend is the romance factor. Sure, the movie was a bit unrealistic in that sense but it may have overemphasized romance and under-emphasized the violence, but that's part of what makes it so great.

I feel like the Hilary Duff version would've stayed true to the romantic idea of Bonnie and Clyde. Primarily because Hilary Duff is known as a prissy girl, so I can't imagine her being in anything that is too edgy or hard. Plus, Hilary Duff looks very much like Faye Dunaway once did! If you compare the way Fay Dunaway looked in this movie with the way Hilary Duff looked at the time the remake was being discussed, they almost looked like twins! That's why I think it would've worked, and I hate the fact that it didn't pan out.

Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!


The movie that was to star Hilary still hasn't happened. They fired her in the fall of 2011 when she announced she was pregnant. They claimed they had to get the movie filmed that fall & that was their official story for letting her go. So they re-cast both Hilary and their Clyde (who was working on another project) quickly, but then nothing happened. I've always thought the whole thing was suspicious.

It wasn't going to be a "remake" though. As I understood it, it was supposed to be a more historically accurate telling of the events.
