MovieChat Forums > Bonnie and Clyde (1967) Discussion > Another Lie- Jack Warner HATED This movi...

Another Lie- Jack Warner HATED This movie?

Yet another lie I came across on the Trivia section for Bonnie and Clyde. Jack Warner apparently hated the movie, and got up three times to pee during the screening with Warren Beatty and Arthur Penn. If this was true, why was the movie so *beep* successful? Why is it regarded as one of the best movies ever made? Where's the reason and logic behind Warner being a total douche bag and hating the movie? Hell, plenty of westerns and violent movies had come out of Hollywood before this one. I don't get it at all.


The film received a 2nd and apologetic review in Newsweek. At the time of its release it's mixtue of humor and violence did not go over well with many including Bosley Crowther of the NY Times whose negative review is believed to be the reason he was retired in 1968;he was viewed as antiquated. Warner probably felt the film would not be a money maker. It took a short while after release for this film to catch on with the public. For years it was double-billed with Bullitt(68) another smash from Warner Bros.


Just guessing, but I'd say it was a combination of the excessive violence (westerns *as* violent as this had NOT come out before then; the end scene with the squibs, the earlier scenes with eyes shot out, etc., were all shocking for American cinema for the time) and also the fact that the outlaws were treated sympathetically, another first. Later, with The Godfather and other films this point of view became more common, but back then to have a film where an outlaw was the hero didn't go down with some people.


Its not a lie if its true.


Actually, something is a lie if it was deliberately told to mis-lead someone. So it could be a mistake.


I remember reading that Jack Warner, in spite of early reservations, saw the film as a reminder of the kinds of cutting-edge gangster movies he and Harry were making back during the depression.

Listen to the river sing sweet songs
to rock my soul
