Estelle Parsons (Blanch)

Before my complaint. I agree that this film was important to 60's american cinema. The violence, the blood, the french style of editing.

But Estelle Parsons, was so annoying, I dont know if she was comedy relief but her getting a supporting actress nod is ludicrous. I can't stand her voice in this film. Her pitch is more shrilling multiple gun shots.

Aside from all that, Faye Dunaway was so good looking in this that I can forget about Estelle Parsons all together.

Anyone agree.??




Parsons was brilliant. Doing the part just as it was written.

Dorothy stop that, Mr. Ha Ha`s lookin at you!!


Besides, anybody who thinks her screaming is awful in this movie ought to listen to her on Roseanne where she does it on a weekly basis.


I thought her character was hilarious and her timing was great. Of course, she was pretty much the opposite of the *real* Blanche, who was the more calculating of the Barrow Gang and prettier than Bonnie Parker.

It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced 'Throat-Warbler Mangrove'


I agree. She didn't exactly get a ringing endorsement from the real Blanche (who was still living at the time the movie came out) either. I think I understand where they were trying to go with the role, but it was just played out way too over the top for me to find it effective.

I also agree with your sentiment about not wanting to take away from the importance and place of the movie while not necessarily loving everything about it either. I can appreciate the film and enjoy it for what it is, but still find it unfortunate that it is seen as the ultimate telling of a true story when there are so many inaccuracies. It seems nothing can be said about Bonnie and Clyde without this film being referenced, more often than not as the gospel truth.


oh god yes. estelle parsons was dreadful, i wish she'd have got shot.
no wonder the real blanche went nuts at her performance.
i hated it when she wanted her share of the money even though she did nothing at all. stupid pathetic witch. gene hackman was really loud and annoying as hell too. ps and cw moss should have been killed, he was just as bad, saying he wanted to shoot the ranger or hang him and when they were ambushed by cops he stood there shooting and killing loads. he deserved to die as well. stupid little b*****d


EP was shrill and over the top but I think that's the way they wrote Blanche.

Buck's stupid, unfunny jokes were also annoying!

I like this film but hate the way it glamorizes B&C in general.


I thought for the part (though Blanche was inaccurately portrayed), Parsons was very believable. The character was irritating, yes, but that wasn't Parsons' fault.

And I totally agree on Dunaway. She was stunning in this movie.

