White bimbo= Trophy wife?

Good looking black guy could get a fine looking sister yet settles for dumb bimbo.I don't get it and I'm a black guy. It's amazing how many black guys think Roseanne is an upgrade over Halle Berry just because she is a white gal.


Joey wasn't a bimbo. And though I agree in some aspects of what you are saying, I also wouldn't choose a black woman simply because she's black. If someone has an ugly or flighty personality, no matter what their race is, I wouldn't go for them. Some men just have impossible standards for women.

You love me more than sunny summer days.


I'm fairly certain no guy, let alone a black guy, would choose Roseanne over Halle Berry. Maybe if were deaf and blind but even thats a stretch. I know there are some black guys who covet a white woman but I don't think any of them are in a real position to pull a woman like Halle.


A deaf and blind dude can still smell and feel, so, even then I can't see them preferring Roseanne over Halle.

The only way someone might conceivably choose Roseanne over Halle is if they were clinically insane.


As a white conservative, I couldn't agree more!


What makes you presume her a bimbo?
What makes you figured he "settled"? You sound bigoted. You sound like you don't even understand the point of the movie.


I sense a troll here.
I mean, come on, in this day and age you really think some sane guy would dump Halley for Roseanne? Now maybe, if Halley proved to be an awful woman and Roseanne was actually a really nice person -- sure. But otherwise --- hardly. BTW, (taking in the op's POV) perhaps Ms. Berry isn't the best example. After all, she is half white.


Joey does seem to be a bit of an air head. So why did the doctor fall for her?



You've missed the primary point of the movie. Hard to believe, especially from a black person.


Unlike many posters on the GWCTD board I don't find Joey lacking in interest. She's very attractive and smart enough. Which was shown more fully in the drinks with friends scene. She possesses personality traits which John Prentice lacks and would be drawn to.

Dr. Prentice is portrayed as a man of acknowledged achievements, right?

I haven't known a single successful man in any field who lacked the characteristic of ambition.

It seems to me Dr. Prentice might consider Joey's status as the daughter of a wealthy, well known publisher and his gracious socialite wife to be among Joey's attractions.

Most men, black, white or any color, would consider marrying into a rich family desirable rather than not.


I don't find the premise of the film bad; the point is that love crosses boundaries. Dr. Prentice was not seeking a trophy wife: the way the story is laid out, he was not on the hunt but simply feel head over heels in love with Joey. This brings us to another issue in the film - the casting of Katherine Houghton as Joey. Granted, the fact that she looks like Katherine Hepburn was a plus in terms of her playing her daughter, but IMHO she was simply a gawdawful actress. She butchered the lines and really conveyed the sense of an immature airhead who was just mouthing platitudes she had no notion of. Imagine casting three film legends and one dud in film with four main characters. It really marred the film in my view. And I think this is the main reason why it seems open to question that Dr. Prentice would choose her.


For all the film's flaws I still gave it a 10 star. Joey is both badly acted and badly written. I get her trying to avoid the race issue as a problem because that kind of thinking gives credence to the arguments of bigots but she seems to do it poorly. I just can't put my finger on a few things that could be done better in the film and this is one of them. I guess that's why I'm not a writer/film maker.


'Bimbo' would imply Roseanne was at least good-looking...


And IMHO hardly anyone would be an upgrade over Halle Berry, and I speak as a white dude.


I just wrote something similar on another thread. I know Indian guys who have a hard on for white women, any white women. It doesn't matter if they are attractive or not. They just like that the woman is white. They could get better looking Indian women but they wouldn't be white.

They also like how much more sexually adventurous white women are.

In the case of the character in this film he probably likes the idea of "breaking down" boundaries or something as well.
