MovieChat Forums > Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) Discussion > I would have more problem with the age g...

I would have more problem with the age gap

I think John and Joey's age gap should have been more of an issue than the interracial thing. She was only 23 and he was 37. She acted like a very young 23 as well. Seemed to me like she was inexperienced, not worldly, sheltered and immature. John was experienced, already been married and had a child, mature, worldly and very smart. He understood both parents would have problems with the interracial marriage and wasn't naive because he was older and mature. Joey acted like a child and thought everyone would be excited about their marriage. She acted like a complete idiot in my opinion. I don't see what John saw in her, he needed to marry someone more mature. I think 14 years is a big age gap and after only 10 days of dating it was crazy to be thinking about marriage. John should have known better.

Lifes a gift and I don't intend on wasting it!


Don't put all the blame on him. Maybe Joey was looking for a rich husband with prestige (a "trophy husband"). Maybe she just wanted to get away from her dominating parents.

She seemed extremely sheltered, and it's a wonder she was allowed to go to Hawaii alone.



Joey didn't think everyone would be excited about the union. She only thought her parents would be because they had raised her to believe their would be nothing wrong with an interracial marriage. But she did remark regarding the first time her mother saw John or I believe it was that way. She remarked it was the first time in 23 years that her mother might let her down, meaning that she might be against the relationship. They way she talked to John about letting his parents know about her indicated to me that she knew they might object.
I did not see her as immature. I saw her as being sure of what she believed let everyone know it. I do believe though that since she never thought that her parents might object to the relationship, she never gave thought to what would happen if they did and she should have, as well as considering how John would cope if his parents objected. I did not think the age difference was a big deal.


Having a problem with age difference is just as bad as having a problem with racial difference. One is called ageism, the other is called racism. Both are prejudices which intelligent and tolerant people should be able to overcome.


Well in my case my late wife (Dec 21, 2012) was about 13 1/2 yrs older then me we loved 1 another very much.
A few folks Disapprove of our age different.

on location with SUPERMAN I,& OTHER STARS
