'DON'T speak, Hilary - just GO!'

One of my favorite Katharine Hepburn moments in GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER?, flawlessly delivered:


"Somewhere along the line the world has lost all of its standards and all of its taste."


Classic Hepburn lol.

Imagine if Kate said that line to you - you'll be stun, insulted, and embarrass, but you'll just have to take it, you know what i mean? Kate hepburn command it, you obey.


I agree


I saw this about a week after its release in a Manhatten theater. The line went around the block and they were still seating us as the opening credits were rolling. At this scene, the entire packed theater roared with approval and gave Kate an ovation that drowned out the next few lines of dialog! What a brilliant moment!



And just think Hillary started a whole new career for herself after leaving Kates employ.

Changed her name to Mrs. Olson and made a fortune selling coffee to unsuspecting young people.

Dorothy stop that, Mr. Ha Ha`s lookin at you!!



flawless is a perfect description.


Tilly was just as racist and her character didn't get treated so harshly.


Tilly moved on up.


Yes, that was one of the Hepburn's best scenes in a film--it lasts awhile so you get to enjoy it. And then it has a great finish.

"Get. Permanently. Lost" is my other favorite from that scene.


I know gay men that can recite her speech verbatim.
