Does Joey Have A Job ?

Joey has been on a trip in Hawaii, and she meets Dr. Prentiss. Joey is then going to marry Dr. Prentiss and travel all over the world with him, helping him with his work.

NO mention of what Joey does for a living. She is a college graduate. Does she just go on trips looking for men to marry, on her parents' dime ? Is THAT her job ???


Presumably she doesn't have a job as she just graduated college. I reckon the trip was a graduation present and one of those "find yourself" kind of trips that young women from well to do families typically took.

People seem to forget that women having real, full fledged careers is a phenomenon that only became a reality in the last 30 to 40 years. Women who came from money only went to college because they could and basically only went there to meet a suitable husband. If they did work, it was only until they married. That was the end game back then. Marriage, babies and a Tupperware party or two.


The film was made in 1967. A woman's job search was completely different than it is today.


I asked the same question when I watched the film a coupla days ago. When someone mentioned that she could help John in his medical work, I was like, "Wait. Did she study nursing or was she pre-med?" There was nothing that indicated just what she'd majored in.

May I bone your kipper, Mademoiselle?


They make it clear in the scene at Mel's Diner that her "job" will be to "help him in his work." Christina laments that she felt the happiest time for her was when her husband needed her to help him in his work. That was an accepted view back then, pre womens-liberation, that a woman found fulfillment through her husband. John will now have a wife to arrange dinner parties, to be a social asset, and to listen to his troubles when he comes home in the evening.
