The Objection is not Race

Simply because a mother or father objects to their white daughter marrying into a race not of their own doesn't make them a racist.

Does a Rabbi who objects to his daughter marrying a gentile hate non Jews? No, the Rabbi does not hate Gentiles. The Rabbi wants his family to carry on the culture, the traditions and lineage of the Jewish people and the Jewish faith.

Does a devout Catholic family, who is devoted to their faith, despise protestants simply because that particular family wants to continue decades of tradition?

Or does a black father hate white people if he wants his daughter to marry a black man, so as to carry on the black experience?

Those who have no objection to interracial marriage aren't considering family, culture, tradition and lineage.


Actually it does make them racist, racist doesn't just mean hatred towards a certain race. racist is align with many things, and disapproving IR is one of them.

Family, culture, tradition are not just merely given up because you have romantic relationships with someone of a different ethnicity. If it matter to both individuals, than it would be important to merge both cultures just as you merge as a union yourself when you are married.

In the end, this is post is just another self post not to make themselves feel bad because you clearly have racist views.

If you want to have racist views of not wanting your daughter to marry IR, than at least own up to it.


Joey's parents weren't devout Jews or Catholics; the mother even said that,
as far as their religious culture went, they weren't "particularly anything."
Their primary culture/tradition seemed to be based mainly on a highly liberal set of values, which probably led Joey to believe that, even in that racially
charged era, she wouldn't think that her parents would have a problem with her
love interest being of another race. Their initial reaction to John went against
their liberal belief system, indicating that they were, in fact, somewhat racist.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



Actually what I think the objection is about the suddenness. There is just no reason for Joey to give her parents one night to accept her upcoming marriage of a man she has only known for ten days. Yes he was black, but you could tell the parents were not totally against it, and when they got to know him they were getting more used to the idea. But after ten days? If my daughter played that crap on me and said it was because I was racist, I'd say "NO, it's because you are behaving stupidly and immaturely and impulsively. When is a parent NOT allowed to step in to stop what could be a trainwreck?" Joey was so positively stupid it is mindblowing.


Even today there are a lot of families who are against interracial marriages and YES it IS because they are racist. But I agree, the real problem is that they had only known each other for only 10 days and were getting married, no question, what kind of an IDIOT does that? The race thing was really secondary, I think they would still have a problem with it but when it's a race to beat the clock like that, everything goes into warp drive.


When is a parent NOT allowed to step in to stop what could be a trainwreck?"

When their offspring is an adult who should be capable of making their own decisions.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


^Ugh, this.

Parents, like anyone else, are allowed to state their piece to their child (should they want it), but it's their life and their decisions at the end of the day. I understand wanting to 'avoid a disaster' though people will always need to make their own mistakes.


He may not hate based upon race... but he definitely hates the fact that his child has an independent mind and the right to choose for themselves... That's bad enough, even if you feel comfortable discounting racial motivation.

It isn't and shouldn't be parental choice; that's the nub of the matter.

'Tradition' in particular is stupid... It exists for no other reason than 'that's the way it's always been done, so why change?'. Evolve or die, that's why.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"



In answer to your question mark the Rabbi's agenda is pure bigotry driven by a chosen people complex that is deeply offensive !


If you boil it down to either/or, then yes. And it makes it easy to dismiss a different point of view and the people who have them. This is a truism no matter which side you are on.
